Aeroelasticity & Structural Dynamics in a Fast Changing World
17 – 21 June 2024, The Hague, The Netherlands
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Author Manuscripts
Stephan Adden
IBK Innovation
192 Gust load alleviation wind tunnel tests of a folding wing tip configuration
Frederico Afonso
Instituto Superior Tecnico
237 Topology Optimization of Aeroelastically Scaled Wing Models based on Additive Manufacturing
Majid Ahmadi
14 Gust load alleviation efficiency in an optimized composite wing through the integration of wingtip devices: Incorporating folding and twist strategies
15 Optimizing high aspect ratio composite wings through geometrically nonlinear aeroelastic tailoring
Rafic Ajaj
Khalifa University
145 Gust load alleviation of electric aircraft with distributed propulsors using thrust vectoring
100 On the aeroelasticity of high aspect ratio strut-braced wings: A parametric study
Farbod Alijani
142 Nonlinear dynamic response of a pazy wing variant using Koiter-Newton model reduction
Hamad Almarzooqi
Khalifa University
100 On the aeroelasticity of high aspect ratio strut-braced wings: A parametric study
Anna Altkuckatz
German Aerospace Center (DLR) - Institute of Aeroelasticity
202 Experimental investigation of shock control bumbs on the transonic dip of the OAT15A airfoil
106 Design and Experimental Characterization of a Gust-Generator Concept with Rotating-Slotted Cylinders in the Low-Speed Wind Tunnel DNW-NWB
Muhittin-Nami Altug
Airbus Helicopters
215 Improvement of Helicopter Fuselage Modelling - Effects of subcomponents on the overall dynamic behavior
Xavier Amandolese
160 Design and experimental tests of a flexible wing of high-aspect ratio for investigating flutter mechanisms
Mohammadreza Amoozgar
145 Gust load alleviation of electric aircraft with distributed propulsors using thrust vectoring
Chao An
92 Hypersonic flutter analysis based on three-dimensional local piston theory
83 Reduced order modeling analysis for flexible wing using a co-rotational beam element
Hao Wei, Elijah Ang
108 Wind tunnel experiment for body freedom flutter of flying wing unmanned aerial vehicle
Carlo Aquilini
Airbus Defence & Space GmbH
47 From Multivariate Random Loads To Deterministic Load Distributions: An Exact Method For Aeroelastic Design
44 Robust design through identification of main components from multivariate random loads
Felix Arevalo
Airbus Defence and Space
170 Aeroelastic challenges in the clean aviation hybrid-electric regional aircraft project
171 Feedforward backpropagation artificial neural networks applied to dynamic loads of a military transport aircraft
Jürgen Arnold
DLR Institut für Aeroelastik
50 Influence of blade elasticity and thrust on the whirl flutter stability of a propeller-driven aircraft
66 Design of flutter suppression controllers for a wing in compressible flow based on high-fidelity aerodynamics
8 Wind Law Proposal for Aircraft Control in Turbulence
Davide Balatti
33 Aeroelastic hybrid testing for industrial applications
Roger Ballester Claret
17 Aeroelastic reliability based optimisation of composite plates via surrogate modeling
ignacio Ballesteros Ruiz
Airbus UK
26 Preliminary investigation of the superelastic monostable spoiler for dynamic gust loads alleviation
Daniel Balogh
116 Lessons Learned from Flight Testing Active Flutter Suppression Technologies
103 Aeroservoelastic models for design, testing, flight test clearance and validation of active flutter suppression control laws
Guilherme C. Barbosa
58 Wind tunnel testing and modal validation of TU-Flex's high aspect-ratio wings
Milán Barczi
SZTAKI, Budapest, Kende u. 13-17, 1111, Hungary
10 Wing shape control on the D150 model with aspect ratio tradeoffs for fuel efficiency improvement
Arnaud Barnique
Cedrat Technologies
231 Wind tunnel tests for gust load investigation in transonic flows – Part 1 : Development of an innovative test rig
Leonardo Barros da Luz
Instituto Tecnológico de Aeronáutica
118 Rayleigh-Ritz method with multibody dynamics for highly flexible structures
Julius Bartasevicius
TU Munich
116 Lessons Learned from Flight Testing Active Flutter Suppression Technologies
103 Aeroservoelastic models for design, testing, flight test clearance and validation of active flutter suppression control laws
119 Flutter flight testing: Using operational modal analysis to identify, track and predict flutter for safe and efficient flight test campaigns
190 Contribution of the ground vibration tests for the preparation of flutter suppression flight test campaigns: Case of the flipased P-Flex UAV
Martin Bauer
German Aerospace Center DLR, Institute of Aerodynamics and Flow Technology, Lilienthalplatz 7, 38108, Braunschweig Germany
205 High-Fidelity Multidisciplinary Maneuver Simulations of the Falcon 2000LX ISTAR
Antônio Bernardo Guimarães Neto
Instituto Tecnológico de Aeronáutica
132 Surrogate Modeling of Highly Flexible Structures and Aerodynamics Using Neural Networks
Ying Bi
38 Deep Reinforcement Learning for Aeroservoelastic Control of Unmanned Multi-Body Aircraft with Geometric Nonlinearities
37 Nonlinear Aeroelastic Response Analysis of Unmanned Multi-body Aircraft with Free Play
39 Nonlinear Aeroelasticity Characteristics and Dynamics Response Analysis of Unmanned Multi-Body Aircraft
Anna Biancotto
Royal Netherlands Aerospace Centre
101 Integrated Aerodynamic and Structural Measurements of the Gust Response of a Hinged Folding Wingtip
Laurent Blanc
150 Influence of aerodynamic modeling on the whirl flutter stability of a propeller under axial and non-axial flow conditions
Hans Bleecke
Airbus Operations
50 Influence of blade elasticity and thrust on the whirl flutter stability of a propeller-driven aircraft
Hans Martin Bleecke
Airbus Operations
30 Machine learning to forecast unsteady, motion-induced unsteady forces
Brianna Blocher
The University of Texas at Austin
185 Experimental Validation of Strain-Load Neural Network Model on a Slender Hypersonic Vehicle
Christophe Blondeau
162 Towards modular aeroelastic simulations : recent developments and applications at ONERA
34 A modular TSM solver for aeroelastic analysis and optimizations
Bernd Boche
Technische Universität Berlin
195 On the preparation of a flexible real-time aircraft model for a flight simulator
Stefan de Boer
TU Delft
57 Continuous parametrisation of wing movable layout for design optimisation
Vitor Borges Santos
Instituto Tecnológico de Aeronáutica
132 Surrogate Modeling of Highly Flexible Structures and Aerodynamics Using Neural Networks
Vincent Bouillaut
DAAA, ONERA, Institut Polytechnique de Paris, 92320 Chatillon, France
157 Aeroelastic design of a drone for research on active flutter control
227 Wind Tunnel Tests for Gust Load Investigation in transonic flows – Part 2: Experimental results and control demonstration
Carsten Braun
FH Aachen University of Applied Sciences
89 The Effect of Aerodynamic Interactions on Aeroelastic Stability in Wing-Propeller Systems
Marc Braune
German Aerospace Center (DLR) - Institute of Aeroelasticity
200 Shape Identification of a wing model by additive manufacturing for transonic tunnel testing
202 Experimental investigation of shock control bumbs on the transonic dip of the OAT15A airfoil
106 Design and Experimental Characterization of a Gust-Generator Concept with Rotating-Slotted Cylinders in the Low-Speed Wind Tunnel DNW-NWB
Roeland De Breuker
Delft University of Technology
142 Nonlinear dynamic response of a pazy wing variant using Koiter-Newton model reduction
57 Continuous parametrisation of wing movable layout for design optimisation
207 Application of aeroelastic tailoring for control surface reversal
164 Mechanism of transonic aeroelastic instabilities via synchronization of coupled oscillators
Roeland de Breuker
Delft University of Technology
198 Flexible aircraft flight dynamics and loads model identification from flight test data in unsteady conditions
Elsa Bréus
Dassault Aviation
165 T-tail transonic flutter wind tunnel test part 1: Sealing system design and model testing
104 Flutter prediction correlations with wind tunnel measurements on a T-tail flutter mock-up
Gabriel Buendia
Airbus Defence
171 Feedforward backpropagation artificial neural networks applied to dynamic loads of a military transport aircraft
Thomas Buete
German Aerospace Center
200 Shape Identification of a wing model by additive manufacturing for transonic tunnel testing
Heiko Böhlken
202 Experimental investigation of shock control bumbs on the transonic dip of the OAT15A airfoil
Nils Böhnisch
FH Aachen University of Applied Sciences
89 The Effect of Aerodynamic Interactions on Aeroelastic Stability in Wing-Propeller Systems
Marc Böswald
DLR - German Aerospace Center
113 Reliable monitoring of modal parameters during a flight vibration test using autonomous modal analysis and a Kalman filter
114 An Incremental Modal Shape Sensing Method for Geometrically Non-Linear Deformed Wings
77 A Procedure for Flutter Analysis with Nonlinear Experimental Modal Parameters
119 Flutter flight testing: Using operational modal analysis to identify, track and predict flutter for safe and efficient flight test campaigns
215 Improvement of Helicopter Fuselage Modelling - Effects of subcomponents on the overall dynamic behavior
Thomas Büte
202 Experimental investigation of shock control bumbs on the transonic dip of the OAT15A airfoil
67 Analysis of the impact of forced pitching oscillations in transonic flow on the transition onset and the aeroelastic behaviour of an airfoil
Wesley Cantwell
Khalifa University
100 On the aeroelasticity of high aspect ratio strut-braced wings: A parametric study
Xiaolong Cao
Institute of Beijing Mechanics and Electronics
5 The simulation and flight verification of active aeroelastic control
Flávio Luiz Cardoso-Ribeiro
Instituto Tecnológico de Aeronáutica
132 Surrogate Modeling of Highly Flexible Structures and Aerodynamics Using Neural Networks
222 Identification of Flexible Aircraft Parameters with Varying Flexibility Configurations: Integrating Elastic Effects and Sensor Data
Flávio Cardoso-Ribeiro
Instituto Tecnológico de Aeronáutica
118 Rayleigh-Ritz method with multibody dynamics for highly flexible structures
117 Comparative analysis of flight maneuver loads between flexible and rigid aircraft
Andrea Castrichini
Airbus Operations Ltd.
194 Multidisciplinary design optimisation of an aircraft with the semi-aeroelastic hinge device
26 Preliminary investigation of the superelastic monostable spoiler for dynamic gust loads alleviation
96 Parametric nonlinear flutter analysis of the semi-aeroelastic hinges during manoeuvres and gust encounters
33 Aeroelastic hybrid testing for industrial applications
137 Nonlinear Gust Effects On Flexible Aircraft With Flared Hinged Wings
Guilherme Castrignano Tavares
Embraer S.A
71 Flight flutter test modal identification by using nature inspired algorithms: A classical mathematical modeling
Breno Castro
159 Wind tunnel flutter test results comparison with computational results of a half-span wing
Alvaro Cea
Imperial College London
82 Differentiable Aeroelastic Framework Suitable for Industrial Modelling of Nonlinear Loads on Accelerators
137 Nonlinear Gust Effects On Flexible Aircraft With Flared Hinged Wings
Jiri Cecrdle
Czech Aerospace Research Centre (VZLU)
56 New Design of Whirl Flutter Aeroelastic Demonstrator
Carlos Cesnik
University of Michigan
185 Experimental Validation of Strain-Load Neural Network Model on a Slender Hypersonic Vehicle
35 Evaluation of Aeroelastic Models for Gust Response Prediction in Very Flexible Wings
Carlos E. S. Cesnik
University of Michigan
79 Finite element model update of a very flexible wing using ground vibration testing data
105 Investigation on Sensor Selection Applied on a Vehicle-as-a-Sensor Concept in High-Speed Flight
Xie Changchuan
68 Efficient and high-precision nonlinear static aeroelastic load analysis method based on vortex lattice method acceleration
An Chao
68 Efficient and high-precision nonlinear static aeroelastic load analysis method based on vortex lattice method acceleration
Guilherme Chaves Barbosa
Technische Universität Berlin
42 Aeroservoelastic Analysis and Load Alleviation Control for Very Flexible Aircraft: TU-Flex Study
98 Influence of nonlinear aerodynamic effects on high aspect ratio aircraft model
Zhiying Chen
87 An integrated static/dynamic aerothermoelastic analysis framework for functionally graded structures in hypersonic vehicles
Song Chen
136 The Design and Analysis of Tensegrity Morphing Wing
Kelvin Chi-Wing Cheng
Imperial College London
137 Nonlinear Gust Effects On Flexible Aircraft With Flared Hinged Wings
Massimiliano Chillemi
University of Messina
225 Experimental And Numerical Activities For Aeroelastic Analysis Of An Aluminum Wing
Haeseong Cho
Jeonbuk National University
135 Machine learning-based parametric model order reduction for the gust load analysis
Pawel Chwalowski
20 Transonic limit cycle oscillations of the benchmark supercritical wing
Noel Clemens
The University of Texas at Austin
185 Experimental Validation of Strain-Load Neural Network Model on a Slender Hypersonic Vehicle
172 Measurement of Natural Frequency and Damping of a Slender Model in Mach 5 Flow
Declan Clifford
University of Southampton
61 Investigation of multibody flight dynamic modes of an aircraft with flexible folding wing tips
168 Model order reduction for nonlinear aeroelastic dynamical system using automatic differentiation
Hector Climent
Airbus Defence and Space
170 Aeroelastic challenges in the clean aviation hybrid-electric regional aircraft project
171 Feedforward backpropagation artificial neural networks applied to dynamic loads of a military transport aircraft
Vasco Coelho
Instituto Superior Tecnico
237 Topology Optimization of Aeroelastically Scaled Wing Models based on Additive Manufacturing
Marta Colella
Sapienza University of Rome - Department of Mechanical and Aerospace Engineering
194 Multidisciplinary design optimisation of an aircraft with the semi-aeroelastic hinge device
Jonathan Cooper
University of Bristol
192 Gust load alleviation wind tunnel tests of a folding wing tip configuration
145 Gust load alleviation of electric aircraft with distributed propulsors using thrust vectoring
125 Active flutter suppression and gust load alleviation of wings incorporating floating wingtips
122 Wing mounted hydrogen fuel tanks: mitigating the aeroelastic penalties of dry wing configurations?
129 Aeroelastic analysis of distributed electric propulsion flexible wings
80 Aeroelastic optimisation of a cantilevered plate with local damping application
Jonathan E. Cooper
University of Bristol
31 Influence of Load Introduction Method on Wingbox Optimization with Nonlinear Structural Stability Constraints
Josh Coppin
Airbus UK
26 Preliminary investigation of the superelastic monostable spoiler for dynamic gust loads alleviation
Giuliano Coppotelli
Università of Rome “La Sapienza”
65 Experimental investigation of a highly flexible wing
Enzo Cosentino
Airbus UK
26 Preliminary investigation of the superelastic monostable spoiler for dynamic gust loads alleviation
Kaique Silveira Viana Costa
Instituto Tecnológico de Aeronáutica
222 Identification of Flexible Aircraft Parameters with Varying Flexibility Configurations: Integrating Elastic Effects and Sensor Data
Péter Zoltán Csurcsia
Vrije Universiteit Brussel
197 Explainable nonlinear state-space modelling: analysing the GVT of a battery-operated aircraft
Yongdong Cui
108 Wind tunnel experiment for body freedom flutter of flying wing unmanned aerial vehicle
Sunpeth Cumnuantip
DLR – Institute of Aeroelasticity, Bunsenstrasse 10, 37073 Goettingen, Germany
90 The Effect of Aspect Ratio Variation on the Preliminary Aeroelastic Assessment of a Mid-Range Transport Aircraft
4 Influence of Cruise Altitude Variation on the Turbulence Loads of a Medium-Range Transport Configuration
7 Assessment of aeroelastic stability of high aspect wing aircraft during the preliminary design
Andrea dr Da Ronch
University of Southampton
61 Investigation of multibody flight dynamic modes of an aircraft with flexible folding wing tips
Yuting Dai
32 Stall flutter suppression with active camber morphing based on reinforcement learning
Kristopher Davies
German Aerospace Center (DLR)
120 Numerical Analysis of the Unsteady Wing-Tailplane Interaction in Two-Dimensional Flows
Tim De Troyer
Vrije Universiteit Brussel
197 Explainable nonlinear state-space modelling: analysing the GVT of a battery-operated aircraft
Joshua Deaton
Air Force Research Laboratory
2 Modal Design Optimization for Panel Flutter and Buckling
138 A Panel-Free Aeroelastic Solver with Adjoint Sensitivities
Samet Dede
University of Bristol
129 Aeroelastic analysis of distributed electric propulsion flexible wings
Lina Dehmlow
149 Constrained flexible wing with folding wingtip dynamics model based on Lagrange's method
Sylvie Dequand
155 T-tail transonic flutter wind tunnel test. Part 2: Numerical restitution
Pierre-Emmanuel Des Boscs
162 Towards modular aeroelastic simulations : recent developments and applications at ONERA
Joshua Deslich
United States Air Force Research Laboratory
13 Aeroelastic Wind Tunnel Testing of 3D-Printed Semispan Wings
12 Including Gradient-based Transient Gust Optimization in ASTROS
Emilio Di Lorenzo
Siemens Digital Industry Software NV
225 Experimental And Numerical Activities For Aeroelastic Analysis Of An Aluminum Wing
Benjamin Diaz Villa
The University of Texas at Austin
172 Measurement of Natural Frequency and Damping of a Slender Model in Mach 5 Flow
Oliver Dieterich
Airbus Helicopters
215 Improvement of Helicopter Fuselage Modelling - Effects of subcomponents on the overall dynamic behavior
Johannes Dillinger
German Aerospace Center (DLR), Institute of Aeroelasticity
121 Design, manufacturing and identification of an active controlled flexible wing for subsonic wind tunnel testing
202 Experimental investigation of shock control bumbs on the transonic dip of the OAT15A airfoil
106 Design and Experimental Characterization of a Gust-Generator Concept with Rotating-Slotted Cylinders in the Low-Speed Wind Tunnel DNW-NWB
107 Wind Tunnel Testing Active Gust Load Alleviation of a Flexible Wing
Grigorios Dimitriadis
199 Application of the unsteady compressible source and doublet panel method to flutter calculations
145 Gust load alleviation of electric aircraft with distributed propulsors using thrust vectoring
Douglas Domingues Bueno
186 Nonlinear analysis of a flexible half-wing model tested in a subsonic wind tunnel with control-surface freeplay and preloading
Mauricio Donadon
Aeronautics Institute of Technology - ITA
59 Aeroelastic analysis of a smart SMA-composite wing
70 Application of Shape Memory Alloys for Flutter Suppression in a Propeller-Driven Typical Section
Dylan Dooner
UNSW Canberra
187 Hot-wall shock-wave boundary layer interaction of a compliant cantilever in hypersonic flow
Alex Dos Reis De Souza
DTIS, ONERA, Universite de Toulouse, 31000, Toulouse, France
227 Wind Tunnel Tests for Gust Load Investigation in transonic flows – Part 2: Experimental results and control demonstration
Earl Dowell
Duke University
81 Limit Cycle Oscillation of a Plate with Piezoelectric Elements in Supersonic Flow
16 Exploring the Effect of Different Shock Impingement Angles on Aeroelastic Response for a Thin Panel
Devon Downes
National Research Council Canada
73 Testing and Analysis of a Simplified Nonlinear Horizontal Stabilator of an Aircraft
Alain Dugeai
62 Highly Flexible Aircraft Flight Dynamics using CFD
162 Towards modular aeroelastic simulations : recent developments and applications at ONERA
Rebecca Durst
University of Pittsburgh
218 Adaptive Euler - efficient and predictive aerodynamics: validation and prototype development toward aeroelasticity
Stefanie Düssler
Imperial College London
29 Modelling complex actuator and sensor architectures for gust alleviation systems of flexible aircraft
28 Effect of gust models on the response prediction of a very flexible wind tunnel wing model
Marc Eitner
The University of Texas at Austin
172 Measurement of Natural Frequency and Damping of a Slender Model in Mach 5 Flow
Anders Ellmo
Saab AB
43 Ground Vibration Testing and Model Update of a Transonic Flutter Wind Tunnel Model
Holger Ernst
202 Experimental investigation of shock control bumbs on the transonic dip of the OAT15A airfoil
Bart Eussen
Netherlands Aerospace Centre
198 Flexible aircraft flight dynamics and loads model identification from flight test data in unsteady conditions
Nicolò Fabbiane
157 Aeroelastic design of a drone for research on active flutter control
Nicolo Fabbiane
17 Aeroelastic reliability based optimisation of composite plates via surrogate modeling
Christian Fagiano
17 Aeroelastic reliability based optimisation of composite plates via surrogate modeling
Touraj Farsadi
14 Gust load alleviation efficiency in an optimized composite wing through the integration of wingtip devices: Incorporating folding and twist strategies
15 Optimizing high aspect ratio composite wings through geometrically nonlinear aeroelastic tailoring
Michael Fehrs
German Aerospace Center (DLR)
54 Effect of Turbulent Wedges on the Steady and Unsteady Aerodynamics of a Forward Swept Laminar Wing
120 Numerical Analysis of the Unsteady Wing-Tailplane Interaction in Two-Dimensional Flows
Johan Feldwisch
German Aerospace Center DLR, Institute of Aeroelasticity, Bunsenstraße 10, 37073, Göttingen Germany
205 High-Fidelity Multidisciplinary Maneuver Simulations of the Falcon 2000LX ISTAR
Johan Moritz Feldwisch
DLR Institute of Aeroelasticity
193 Effect of flow separation on discrete gust loads for a free-flying elastic aircraft
Nicolas Fezans
DLR (German Aerospace Center)
191 Automated Tuning of a Baseline Flight Control System with Maneuver Load Alleviation for an Energy-Efficient Passenger Airplane
163 Lidar-based gust load alleviation – increasing the load reduction potential through a two-degree-of-freedom controller architecture
Sebastiano Fichera
33 Aeroelastic hybrid testing for industrial applications
Evangelos Filippou
Faculty of Aerospace Engineering, Delft University of Technology, Kluyverweg 1, 2629 HS Delft, The Netherlands
207 Application of aeroelastic tailoring for control surface reversal
Nicolas Forestier
104 Flutter prediction correlations with wind tunnel measurements on a T-tail flutter mock-up
Stephane Fournier
University of Bristol
80 Aeroelastic optimisation of a cantilevered plate with local damping application
Maxim Freydin
81 Limit Cycle Oscillation of a Plate with Piezoelectric Elements in Supersonic Flow
Michael Friswell
33 Aeroelastic hybrid testing for industrial applications
Balazs Fritsch
116 Lessons Learned from Flight Testing Active Flutter Suppression Technologies
Álvaro Antonio García Quesada
Technische Universität Berlin
42 Aeroservoelastic Analysis and Load Alleviation Control for Very Flexible Aircraft: TU-Flex Study
98 Influence of nonlinear aerodynamic effects on high aspect ratio aircraft model
Eric Garrigues
104 Flutter prediction correlations with wind tunnel measurements on a T-tail flutter mock-up
Vincent de Gaudemaris
150 Influence of aerodynamic modeling on the whirl flutter stability of a propeller under axial and non-axial flow conditions
Ilya Genkin
110 Estimation of slender body elastic rates and accelerations using a combination of measured data
Nicholas Giannelis
University of New South Wales, Canberra
187 Hot-wall shock-wave boundary layer interaction of a compliant cantilever in hypersonic flow
189 Transonic aeroelastic limit cycles and their dependence on freestream conditions
Christian Gogu
25 Control surface sizing and design through integrated MDO approach: Enhancing load alleviation while preserving handling quality criteria
Demian Gomes da Silva
Embraer S.A
71 Flight flutter test modal identification by using nature inspired algorithms: A classical mathematical modeling
Pedro José González
Technische Universität Berlin
42 Aeroservoelastic Analysis and Load Alleviation Control for Very Flexible Aircraft: TU-Flex Study
Pedro J. González
58 Wind tunnel testing and modal validation of TU-Flex's high aspect-ratio wings
Pedro González
149 Constrained flexible wing with folding wingtip dynamics model based on Lagrange's method
Pedro José González Ramirez
Technische Universität Berlin
98 Influence of nonlinear aerodynamic effects on high aspect ratio aircraft model
Yves Govers
113 Reliable monitoring of modal parameters during a flight vibration test using autonomous modal analysis and a Kalman filter
119 Flutter flight testing: Using operational modal analysis to identify, track and predict flutter for safe and efficient flight test campaigns
190 Contribution of the ground vibration tests for the preparation of flutter suppression flight test campaigns: Case of the flipased P-Flex UAV
Donato Grassi
Politecnico di Milano
192 Gust load alleviation wind tunnel tests of a folding wing tip configuration
Gabriele Grasso
Airbus Defence and Space GmbH
47 From Multivariate Random Loads To Deterministic Load Distributions: An Exact Method For Aeroelastic Design
Huaiyuan Gu
University of Bristol
192 Gust load alleviation wind tunnel tests of a folding wing tip configuration
125 Active flutter suppression and gust load alleviation of wings incorporating floating wingtips
122 Wing mounted hydrogen fuel tanks: mitigating the aeroelastic penalties of dry wing configurations?
Yingsong Gu
210 Body freedom flutter of scaled vehicles: From blended wing body to conventional configuration
Nicolas Guerin
103 Aeroservoelastic models for design, testing, flight test clearance and validation of active flutter suppression control laws
119 Flutter flight testing: Using operational modal analysis to identify, track and predict flutter for safe and efficient flight test campaigns
Janto Gundlach
German Aerospace Center (DLR), Institute of Aeroelasticity
114 An Incremental Modal Shape Sensing Method for Geometrically Non-Linear Deformed Wings
Nicolas Guérin
190 Contribution of the ground vibration tests for the preparation of flutter suppression flight test campaigns: Case of the flipased P-Flex UAV
128 Post-flight system identification and aeroservoelastic model updating for prediction and validation of the onset of flutter
Hamed Haddad Khodaparast
14 Gust load alleviation efficiency in an optimized composite wing through the integration of wingtip devices: Incorporating folding and twist strategies
15 Optimizing high aspect ratio composite wings through geometrically nonlinear aeroelastic tailoring
33 Aeroelastic hybrid testing for industrial applications
Michael Hadjipantelis
University of Bath
26 Preliminary investigation of the superelastic monostable spoiler for dynamic gust loads alleviation
Zhang Haibo
136 The Design and Analysis of Tensegrity Morphing Wing
Vega Handojo
DLR German Aerospace Center
90 The Effect of Aspect Ratio Variation on the Preliminary Aeroelastic Assessment of a Mid-Range Transport Aircraft
4 Influence of Cruise Altitude Variation on the Turbulence Loads of a Medium-Range Transport Configuration
Charlotte Hanke
German Aerospace Center (DLR), Institute of Aeroelasticity
58 Wind tunnel testing and modal validation of TU-Flex's high aspect-ratio wings
202 Experimental investigation of shock control bumbs on the transonic dip of the OAT15A airfoil
106 Design and Experimental Characterization of a Gust-Generator Concept with Rotating-Slotted Cylinders in the Low-Speed Wind Tunnel DNW-NWB
107 Wind Tunnel Testing Active Gust Load Alleviation of a Flexible Wing
Patrick Hartl
202 Experimental investigation of shock control bumbs on the transonic dip of the OAT15A airfoil
Oleh Havaza
National Technical University of Ukraine “Igor Sikorsky Kyiv Polytechnic Institute”
235 Mathematical method for prediction aeroelastic phenomena and multidisciplinary optimization lifting surfaces of flight vehicle at preliminary stage design
Longfei He
63 A CFD/CTD/CSD based aero-thermo-elastic framework for full-vehicle scale analysis
Fintan Healy
University of Bristol
125 Active flutter suppression and gust load alleviation of wings incorporating floating wingtips
122 Wing mounted hydrogen fuel tanks: mitigating the aeroelastic penalties of dry wing configurations?
Tobias Hecken
German Aerospace Center (DLR)
90 The Effect of Aspect Ratio Variation on the Preliminary Aeroelastic Assessment of a Mid-Range Transport Aircraft
Benjamin Herrmann
Hamburg University of Technology
46 Doublet lattice modelling and analysis of unsteady aerodynamic effects for a flexible unmanned aircraft during maneuvers and gust encounters
Pedro Higino Cabral
Embraer S. A.
31 Influence of Load Introduction Method on Wingbox Optimization with Nonlinear Structural Stability Constraints
Jonathan Hilger
58 Wind tunnel testing and modal validation of TU-Flex's high aspect-ratio wings
Mirko Hornung
Technical University of Munich
24 Experimental and numerical assessment on the aeroelastic behavior of a NLF airfoil with oscillating control surfaces
10 Wing shape control on the D150 model with aspect ratio tradeoffs for fuel efficiency improvement
116 Lessons Learned from Flight Testing Active Flutter Suppression Technologies
Vladimír Hostinský
Brno University of Technology - FME - Institute of Aerospace Engineering
133 Unified model of sandwich panel core and faces for aeroelastic optimization
Yingyou Hou
240 Aeroelastic characteristics of plane-symmetry vehicle main wing trailing edge rudder at high angle of attack
Kunhui Huang
11 Wind tunnel test of gust response for distributed propeller-wing system
156 Measurement and Control System Design for Propeller-Wing System Experiments
Maria Francesca Illiano
Leonardo Helicopters
21 Nonlinear aeroelastic modeling workflow using Simcenter Nastran
Kevin Jacobson
69 Gradient-based Optimization of the Common Research Model Wing Subject to CFD-based Gust and Flutter Constraints
20 Transonic limit cycle oscillations of the benchmark supercritical wing
Kijoo Jang
Samsung Electronics Company
135 Machine learning-based parametric model order reduction for the gust load analysis
Karl Janssens
Siemens Digital Industry Software NV
225 Experimental And Numerical Activities For Aeroelastic Analysis Of An Aluminum Wing
Johan Jansson
218 Adaptive Euler - efficient and predictive aerodynamics: validation and prototype development toward aeroelasticity
Sanuja Jayatilake
University of Bristol
166 Analysis of inertial gust load relief characteristics of high aspect ratio wings
Ivo Jebáček
Brno University of Technology - FME - Institute of Aerospace Engineering
133 Unified model of sandwich panel core and faces for aeroelastic optimization
Chen Ji
179 Experimental study on transonic buffeting of launch vehicles with large-diameter fairing using elastic models
240 Aeroelastic characteristics of plane-symmetry vehicle main wing trailing edge rudder at high angle of attack
Shakir Jiffri
33 Aeroelastic hybrid testing for industrial applications
Yi Jin
Guangdong BODA Electronic Technology Co., Ltd
5 The simulation and flight verification of active aeroelastic control
Zdenek Johan
104 Flutter prediction correlations with wind tunnel measurements on a T-tail flutter mock-up
Völker Johannes
88 Aircraft vibration from React to Predict
Nicholas Jones
PCKrause & Associates
13 Aeroelastic Wind Tunnel Testing of 3D-Printed Semispan Wings
Cédric Julien
17 Aeroelastic reliability based optimisation of composite plates via surrogate modeling
Andres Jurisson
Netherlands Aerospace Centre
198 Flexible aircraft flight dynamics and loads model identification from flight test data in unsteady conditions
University of Washington Bothell, USA
232 Prediction of Limit Cycle Oscillations Based on Dynamic Eigen Decomposition of Flight Test Data
Christoph Kaiser
DLR, Institute of Aeroelasticity
112 A general solver for the prediction of flutter and buffet onset
54 Effect of Turbulent Wedges on the Steady and Unsteady Aerodynamics of a Forward Swept Laminar Wing
123 Analysis of Linearized Motion- and Gust-Induced Airloads with a Next-Generation Computational Fluid Dynamics Solver
Seung-Hoon Kang
Seoul National University
135 Machine learning-based parametric model order reduction for the gust load analysis
Mordechay Karpel
Karpel Dynamic Consulting Ltd.
170 Aeroelastic challenges in the clean aviation hybrid-electric regional aircraft project
Marlus Kerninski
159 Wind tunnel flutter test results comparison with computational results of a half-span wing
Thiemo M. Kier
German Aerospace Center (DLR), Institute of System Dynamics and Control
107 Wind Tunnel Testing Active Gust Load Alleviation of a Flexible Wing
Thiemo Kier
116 Lessons Learned from Flight Testing Active Flutter Suppression Technologies
103 Aeroservoelastic models for design, testing, flight test clearance and validation of active flutter suppression control laws
119 Flutter flight testing: Using operational modal analysis to identify, track and predict flutter for safe and efficient flight test campaigns
141 Assessment of Active Load Control Approaches for Transport Aircraft – Simulation and Wind Tunnel Test
190 Contribution of the ground vibration tests for the preparation of flutter suppression flight test campaigns: Case of the flipased P-Flex UAV
99 Flexible aircraft conceptual co-design based on the RCE framework
128 Post-flight system identification and aeroservoelastic model updating for prediction and validation of the onset of flutter
Spyridon Kilimtzidis
University of Patras
199 Application of the unsteady compressible source and doublet panel method to flutter calculations
Thomas Klimmek
German Aerospace Center (DLR)
90 The Effect of Aspect Ratio Variation on the Preliminary Aeroelastic Assessment of a Mid-Range Transport Aircraft
Johannes Knebusch
DLR - German Aerospace Center
215 Improvement of Helicopter Fuselage Modelling - Effects of subcomponents on the overall dynamic behavior
Christopher Koch
German Aerospace Center (DLR), Institute of Aeroelasticity
50 Influence of blade elasticity and thrust on the whirl flutter stability of a propeller-driven aircraft
18 Whirl flutter analysis using linearized propeller transfer matrices
Martin Kolar
Czech Aerospace Research Centre (VZLU)
56 New Design of Whirl Flutter Aeroelastic Demonstrator
Raymond Kolonay
United States Air Force Research Laboratory
12 Including Gradient-based Transient Gust Optimization in ASTROS
Ramesh Konatala
103 Aeroservoelastic models for design, testing, flight test clearance and validation of active flutter suppression control laws
128 Post-flight system identification and aeroservoelastic model updating for prediction and validation of the onset of flutter
Vassilis Kostopoulos
University of Patras
199 Application of the unsteady compressible source and doublet panel method to flutter calculations
Wolf R. Krueger
DLR Institute of Aeroelasticity
7 Assessment of aeroelastic stability of high aspect wing aircraft during the preliminary design
141 Assessment of Active Load Control Approaches for Transport Aircraft – Simulation and Wind Tunnel Test
Eduardo Krupa
159 Wind tunnel flutter test results comparison with computational results of a half-span wing
Wolf R. Krüger
German Aerospace Center (DLR) - Institute of Aeroelasticity
121 Design, manufacturing and identification of an active controlled flexible wing for subsonic wind tunnel testing
58 Wind tunnel testing and modal validation of TU-Flex's high aspect-ratio wings
106 Design and Experimental Characterization of a Gust-Generator Concept with Rotating-Slotted Cylinders in the Low-Speed Wind Tunnel DNW-NWB
Wolf Krüger
142 Nonlinear dynamic response of a pazy wing variant using Koiter-Newton model reduction
67 Analysis of the impact of forced pitching oscillations in transonic flow on the transition onset and the aeroelastic behaviour of an airfoil
Yang Lan
68 Efficient and high-precision nonlinear static aeroelastic load analysis method based on vortex lattice method acceleration
Valentin Lanari
165 T-tail transonic flutter wind tunnel test part 1: Sealing system design and model testing
155 T-tail transonic flutter wind tunnel test. Part 2: Numerical restitution
Vito Laraspata
Politecnico di Bari
199 Application of the unsteady compressible source and doublet panel method to flutter calculations
Fernando Lau
Instituto Superior Tecnico
237 Topology Optimization of Aeroelastically Scaled Wing Models based on Additive Manufacturing
Nicolò Laureti
Sapienza University of Rome
161 Nonlinear aeroelastic analysis of a regional airliner wing via a neural-network based reduced order model for aerodynamics
Alessandro Laurini
Siemens Digital Industry Software NV
225 Experimental And Numerical Activities For Aeroelastic Analysis Of An Aluminum Wing
SiHun Lee
Samsung Electronics Company
135 Machine learning-based parametric model order reduction for the gust load analysis
Sangmin Lee
Seoul National University
135 Machine learning-based parametric model order reduction for the gust load analysis
Bernardo Leite
Instituto Superior Tecnico
237 Topology Optimization of Aeroelastically Scaled Wing Models based on Additive Manufacturing
Jieli, Daryl Leo
108 Wind tunnel experiment for body freedom flutter of flying wing unmanned aerial vehicle
Arnaud Lepage
DAAA, ONERA, Institut Polytechnique de Paris, 92320 Chatillon, France
165 T-tail transonic flutter wind tunnel test part 1: Sealing system design and model testing
157 Aeroelastic design of a drone for research on active flutter control
231 Wind tunnel tests for gust load investigation in transonic flows – Part 1 : Development of an innovative test rig
227 Wind Tunnel Tests for Gust Load Investigation in transonic flows – Part 2: Experimental results and control demonstration
Cate Leszcz
University of Colorado, Boulder
2 Modal Design Optimization for Panel Flutter and Buckling
Gongde Li
240 Aeroelastic characteristics of plane-symmetry vehicle main wing trailing edge rudder at high angle of attack
Jinying Li
32 Stall flutter suppression with active camber morphing based on reinforcement learning
Guo Li
Chinese Academy of Aerospace Aerodynamics
240 Aeroelastic characteristics of plane-symmetry vehicle main wing trailing edge rudder at high angle of attack
Keyu Li
63 A CFD/CTD/CSD based aero-thermo-elastic framework for full-vehicle scale analysis
64 Aeroelastic optimization of commercial aircraft considering high-precision aerodynamic performance
Zhuoneng Li
University of Southampton
61 Investigation of multibody flight dynamic modes of an aircraft with flexible folding wing tips
Chang Li
87 An integrated static/dynamic aerothermoelastic analysis framework for functionally graded structures in hypersonic vehicles
84 Aerothermoelasticity analysis of hypersonic vehicle based on meshfree method
63 A CFD/CTD/CSD based aero-thermo-elastic framework for full-vehicle scale analysis
64 Aeroelastic optimization of commercial aircraft considering high-precision aerodynamic performance
Cédric Liauzun
162 Towards modular aeroelastic simulations : recent developments and applications at ONERA
Cedric Liauzun
34 A modular TSM solver for aeroelastic analysis and optimizations
Manoela Lima
159 Wind tunnel flutter test results comparison with computational results of a half-span wing
Zhu Lipeng
68 Efficient and high-precision nonlinear static aeroelastic load analysis method based on vortex lattice method acceleration
Chenyu Liu
Beihang University
93 Gust response analysis of supersonic aircraft based on three-dimensional piston theory
92 Hypersonic flutter analysis based on three-dimensional local piston theory
Yi Liu
Institute of Beijing Mechanics and Electronics
5 The simulation and flight verification of active aeroelastic control
Dawei Liu
11 Wind tunnel test of gust response for distributed propeller-wing system
Gertjan Looye
109 Decentralized Control of Ailerons for Gust Load Alleviation
107 Wind Tunnel Testing Active Gust Load Alleviation of a Flexible Wing
128 Post-flight system identification and aeroservoelastic model updating for prediction and validation of the onset of flutter
Mark Lowenberg
University of Bristol
166 Analysis of inertial gust load relief characteristics of high aspect ratio wings
Raul Lozano Vargas
Airbus UK
26 Preliminary investigation of the superelastic monostable spoiler for dynamic gust loads alleviation
Pascal Lubrina
190 Contribution of the ground vibration tests for the preparation of flutter suppression flight test campaigns: Case of the flipased P-Flex UAV
Didier Lucor
17 Aeroelastic reliability based optimisation of composite plates via surrogate modeling
Christopher Lupp
U.S. Air Force Research Laboratory
9 Aeroelastic Mission Optimization of Very Flexible Vehicles including Take-Off and Climb Constraints
Wellington Luziano Paulo Junior
186 Nonlinear analysis of a flexible half-wing model tested in a subsonic wind tunnel with control-surface freeplay and preloading
Yasser M. Meddaikar
DLR - Institute of Aeroelasticity
99 Flexible aircraft conceptual co-design based on the RCE framework
Liang Ma
84 Aerothermoelasticity analysis of hypersonic vehicle based on meshfree method
63 A CFD/CTD/CSD based aero-thermo-elastic framework for full-vehicle scale analysis
64 Aeroelastic optimization of commercial aircraft considering high-precision aerodynamic performance
Xiaoping Ma
38 Deep Reinforcement Learning for Aeroservoelastic Control of Unmanned Multi-Body Aircraft with Geometric Nonlinearities
37 Nonlinear Aeroelastic Response Analysis of Unmanned Multi-body Aircraft with Free Play
Terence Macquart
University of Bristol
31 Influence of Load Introduction Method on Wingbox Optimization with Nonlinear Structural Stability Constraints
Holger Mai
German Aerospace Center (DLR) - Institute of Aeroelasticity
121 Design, manufacturing and identification of an active controlled flexible wing for subsonic wind tunnel testing
200 Shape Identification of a wing model by additive manufacturing for transonic tunnel testing
141 Assessment of Active Load Control Approaches for Transport Aircraft – Simulation and Wind Tunnel Test
202 Experimental investigation of shock control bumbs on the transonic dip of the OAT15A airfoil
106 Design and Experimental Characterization of a Gust-Generator Concept with Rotating-Slotted Cylinders in the Low-Speed Wind Tunnel DNW-NWB
Jyoti Majhi
Indian Institute of Science
175 Prediction of transonic buffet in an axial flow fan using global stability analysis
Vadim Maltsev
University of Southampton
61 Investigation of multibody flight dynamic modes of an aircraft with flexible folding wing tips
William Mansey
University of Bristol
125 Active flutter suppression and gust load alleviation of wings incorporating floating wingtips
Paolo Mantegazza
Politecnico di Milano
192 Gust load alleviation wind tunnel tests of a folding wing tip configuration
Luca Marchetti
Politecnico di Milano
192 Gust load alleviation wind tunnel tests of a folding wing tip configuration
Luca Marino
TU Delft
183 Nonlinear analysis of combined rate and acceleration limits effect on actuator performance
Sylvie Marquier
Airbus Operations SAS
25 Control surface sizing and design through integrated MDO approach: Enhancing load alleviation while preserving handling quality criteria
Pier Marzocca
RMIT University Melbourne
89 The Effect of Aerodynamic Interactions on Aeroelastic Stability in Wing-Propeller Systems
Paolo Mastracci
Airbus UK
194 Multidisciplinary design optimisation of an aircraft with the semi-aeroelastic hinge device
96 Parametric nonlinear flutter analysis of the semi-aeroelastic hinges during manoeuvres and gust encounters
Franco Mastroddi
Sapienza University of Rome
194 Multidisciplinary design optimisation of an aircraft with the semi-aeroelastic hinge device
161 Nonlinear aeroelastic analysis of a regional airliner wing via a neural-network based reduced order model for aerodynamics
Davide Mastrodicasa
Siemens Digital Industry Software NV
225 Experimental And Numerical Activities For Aeroelastic Analysis Of An Aluminum Wing
Kevin McHugh
United States Air Force Research Laboratory
2 Modal Design Optimization for Panel Flutter and Buckling
13 Aeroelastic Wind Tunnel Testing of 3D-Printed Semispan Wings
12 Including Gradient-based Transient Gust Optimization in ASTROS
Yasser Meddaikar
10 Wing shape control on the D150 model with aspect ratio tradeoffs for fuel efficiency improvement
103 Aeroservoelastic models for design, testing, flight test clearance and validation of active flutter suppression control laws
David Meier
DLR - German Aerospace Center
215 Improvement of Helicopter Fuselage Modelling - Effects of subcomponents on the overall dynamic behavior
Tobias Meier
DLR - German Aerospace Center
215 Improvement of Helicopter Fuselage Modelling - Effects of subcomponents on the overall dynamic behavior
Ana Cristine Meinicke
University of Michigan
185 Experimental Validation of Strain-Load Neural Network Model on a Slender Hypersonic Vehicle
Ana C. Meinicke
University of Michigan
105 Investigation on Sensor Selection Applied on a Vehicle-as-a-Sensor Concept in High-Speed Flight
Eduardo de Melo Pinto
Instituto Tecnológico de Aeronáutica
117 Comparative analysis of flight maneuver loads between flexible and rigid aircraft
Yang Meng
Beihang University
5 The simulation and flight verification of active aeroelastic control
93 Gust response analysis of supersonic aircraft based on three-dimensional piston theory
94 IMU-based deformation reconstruction for highly flexible wings
41 Aerodynamic analysis of aircraft wings using a coupled PM-BL approach
27 Nonlinear aeroelastic analysis of large wind turbine blades
Christoph Mertens
Netherlands Aerospace Centre
101 Integrated Aerodynamic and Structural Measurements of the Gust Response of a Hinged Folding Wingtip
28 Effect of gust models on the response prediction of a very flexible wind tunnel wing model
Kolja Michel
German Aerospace Center (DLR), Institute of System Dynamics and Control
109 Decentralized Control of Ailerons for Gust Load Alleviation
107 Wind Tunnel Testing Active Gust Load Alleviation of a Flexible Wing
Boris Micheli
DLR Institut für Aeroelastik
66 Design of flutter suppression controllers for a wing in compressible flow based on high-fidelity aerodynamics
Francesco M. A. Mitrotta
University of Bristol
31 Influence of Load Introduction Method on Wingbox Optimization with Nonlinear Structural Stability Constraints
Amir Hossein Modarres Aval
University of Southampton
61 Investigation of multibody flight dynamic modes of an aircraft with flexible folding wing tips
Eduardo Molina
Embraer S.A.
226 Comparison between computational and experimental non-stationary pressure distribution on a pitch-oscilating wing
Charly Mollet
162 Towards modular aeroelastic simulations : recent developments and applications at ONERA
Reza Moosavi
University of Hertfordshire, UK
139 Aeroelasticity of smart wing in supersonic flow
Joseph Morlier
25 Control surface sizing and design through integrated MDO approach: Enhancing load alleviation while preserving handling quality criteria
Breno Moura Castro
Embraer S.A.
186 Nonlinear analysis of a flexible half-wing model tested in a subsonic wind tunnel with control-surface freeplay and preloading
Daniel Muradas Odriozola
Airbus Operations SAS
25 Control surface sizing and design through integrated MDO approach: Enhancing load alleviation while preserving handling quality criteria
Vincenzo Muscarello
RMIT University Melbourne
89 The Effect of Aerodynamic Interactions on Aeroelastic Stability in Wing-Propeller Systems
Thulasi Mylvaganam
Imperial College London
29 Modelling complex actuator and sensor architectures for gust alleviation systems of flexible aircraft
Martin Müller
202 Experimental investigation of shock control bumbs on the transonic dip of the OAT15A airfoil
Florian Müller
German Aerospace Center (DLR)
90 The Effect of Aspect Ratio Variation on the Preliminary Aeroelastic Assessment of a Mid-Range Transport Aircraft
Dor Naftaly
78 Flight-dynamics aeroelastic coupling in flexible and very flexible wings
Mihaly Nagy
116 Lessons Learned from Flight Testing Active Flutter Suppression Technologies
Misi Nagy
119 Flutter flight testing: Using operational modal analysis to identify, track and predict flutter for safe and efficient flight test campaigns
Eisuke Nakagawa
University of Tokyo
85 Elastic wind tunnel model design via eigenvector-based level-set topology optimization
Venkateswaran Narayanaswamy
North Carolina State University
81 Limit Cycle Oscillation of a Plate with Piezoelectric Elements in Supersonic Flow
Jan Navrátil
Brno University of Technology - FME - Institute of Aerospace Engineering
133 Unified model of sandwich panel core and faces for aeroelastic optimization
Andrew Neely
UNSW Canberra
187 Hot-wall shock-wave boundary layer interaction of a compliant cantilever in hypersonic flow
Doug Neill
ICME Design
12 Including Gradient-based Transient Gust Optimization in ASTROS
Renata Nepumoceno-Merce
Airbus Helicopters
215 Improvement of Helicopter Fuselage Modelling - Effects of subcomponents on the overall dynamic behavior
Jens Neumann
66 Design of flutter suppression controllers for a wing in compressible flow based on high-fidelity aerodynamics
159 Wind tunnel flutter test results comparison with computational results of a half-span wing
Bing Feng Ng
108 Wind tunnel experiment for body freedom flutter of flying wing unmanned aerial vehicle
Jens Nitzsche
DLR, Institute of Aeroelasticity
112 A general solver for the prediction of flutter and buffet onset
214 Investigation of vortex-induced vibrations to compare Reynolds-averaged Navier-Stokes and detached-eddy simulations
123 Analysis of Linearized Motion- and Gust-Induced Airloads with a Next-Generation Computational Fluid Dynamics Solver
Julia Noël
Airbus Operations
50 Influence of blade elasticity and thrust on the whirl flutter stability of a propeller-driven aircraft
Fernando de Oliveira Moreira
Embraer S.A.
117 Comparative analysis of flight maneuver loads between flexible and rigid aircraft
Emre Ongut
Siemens Digital Industries Software
21 Nonlinear aeroelastic modeling workflow using Simcenter Nastran
Ludovic Onofri
Università of Rome “La Sapienza”
65 Experimental investigation of a highly flexible wing
Pedro Paglione
Instituto Tecnológico de Aeronáutica
118 Rayleigh-Ritz method with multibody dynamics for highly flexible structures
Rafael Palacios
Imperial College London
29 Modelling complex actuator and sensor architectures for gust alleviation systems of flexible aircraft
28 Effect of gust models on the response prediction of a very flexible wind tunnel wing model
82 Differentiable Aeroelastic Framework Suitable for Industrial Modelling of Nonlinear Loads on Accelerators
137 Nonlinear Gust Effects On Flexible Aircraft With Flared Hinged Wings
Nicola Paletta
Airbus Defence and Space
231 Wind tunnel tests for gust load investigation in transonic flows – Part 1 : Development of an innovative test rig
Asa Palmer
University of Dayton Research Institute
13 Aeroelastic Wind Tunnel Testing of 3D-Printed Semispan Wings
Aditya Panigrahi
The University of Texas at Austin
185 Experimental Validation of Strain-Load Neural Network Model on a Slender Hypersonic Vehicle
Alexander Pankonien
Air Force Research Lab
13 Aeroelastic Wind Tunnel Testing of 3D-Printed Semispan Wings
Younggeun Park
Seoul National University
135 Machine learning-based parametric model order reduction for the gust load analysis
Bálint Patarics
HUN-REN Institute for Computer Science and Control
99 Flexible aircraft conceptual co-design based on the RCE framework
Mario Peinado Garcia
Sapienza University of Rome - Department of Mechanical and Aerospace Engineering
194 Multidisciplinary design optimisation of an aircraft with the semi-aeroelastic hinge device
Alex Pereira do Prado
Embraer S. A.
31 Influence of Load Introduction Method on Wingbox Optimization with Nonlinear Structural Stability Constraints
Amanda Perroni
159 Wind tunnel flutter test results comparison with computational results of a half-span wing
Luisa Piccolo Serafim
Duke University
81 Limit Cycle Oscillation of a Plate with Piezoelectric Elements in Supersonic Flow
16 Exploring the Effect of Different Shock Impingement Angles on Aeroelastic Response for a Thin Panel
Alberto Pirrera
University of Bristol
31 Influence of Load Introduction Method on Wingbox Optimization with Nonlinear Structural Stability Constraints
Dale Pitt
The Boeing Company - Retired
6 Flutter and Gust Response of a Wing with Aerodynamic Gaps
Marco Pizzoli
Sapienza University of Rome
161 Nonlinear aeroelastic analysis of a regional airliner wing via a neural-network based reduced order model for aerodynamics
Antoine Placzek
162 Towards modular aeroelastic simulations : recent developments and applications at ONERA
150 Influence of aerodynamic modeling on the whirl flutter stability of a propeller under axial and non-axial flow conditions
Charles Poussot-Vassal
DTIS, ONERA, Universite de Toulouse, 31000, Toulouse, France
227 Wind Tunnel Tests for Gust Load Investigation in transonic flows – Part 2: Experimental results and control demonstration
Beatriz Pulido
Airbus Defence and
171 Feedforward backpropagation artificial neural networks applied to dynamic loads of a military transport aircraft
Luca Pustina
Sapienza University of Rome
161 Nonlinear aeroelastic analysis of a regional airliner wing via a neural-network based reduced order model for aerodynamics
David Quero
DLR, Institute of Aeroelasticity
112 A general solver for the prediction of flutter and buffet onset
123 Analysis of Linearized Motion- and Gust-Induced Airloads with a Next-Generation Computational Fluid Dynamics Solver
Álvaro A. G. Quesada
58 Wind tunnel testing and modal validation of TU-Flex's high aspect-ratio wings
Eric Rantet
Aviation Design
231 Wind tunnel tests for gust load investigation in transonic flows – Part 1 : Development of an innovative test rig
Daniella E. Raveh
78 Flight-dynamics aeroelastic coupling in flexible and very flexible wings
110 Estimation of slender body elastic rates and accelerations using a combination of measured data
Bruno Regina
Instituto Tecnológico de Aeronáutica (ITA)
226 Comparison between computational and experimental non-stationary pressure distribution on a pitch-oscilating wing
Lars Reimer
DLR Institute of Aerodynamics and Flow Technology
141 Assessment of Active Load Control Approaches for Transport Aircraft – Simulation and Wind Tunnel Test
Manuel Reyes
Airbus Defence and Space
171 Feedforward backpropagation artificial neural networks applied to dynamic loads of a military transport aircraft
Djamel Rezgui
125 Active flutter suppression and gust load alleviation of wings incorporating floating wingtips
122 Wing mounted hydrogen fuel tanks: mitigating the aeroelastic penalties of dry wing configurations?
208 Experimental investigation into the dynamic characteristics of a tilting multirotor system
129 Aeroelastic analysis of distributed electric propulsion flexible wings
Sergio Ricci
Politecnico di Milano
192 Gust load alleviation wind tunnel tests of a folding wing tip configuration
231 Wind tunnel tests for gust load investigation in transonic flows – Part 1 : Development of an innovative test rig
Luca Riccobene
Politecnico di Milano
192 Gust load alleviation wind tunnel tests of a folding wing tip configuration
Leif Rieck
Hamburg University of Technology
46 Doublet lattice modelling and analysis of unsteady aerodynamic effects for a flexible unmanned aircraft during maneuvers and gust encounters
Marcello Righi
65 Experimental investigation of a highly flexible wing
Antoine Riols-Fonclare
162 Towards modular aeroelastic simulations : recent developments and applications at ONERA
Cristina Riso
Georgia Institute of Technology
35 Evaluation of Aeroelastic Models for Gust Response Prediction in Very Flexible Wings
Markus Ritter
German Aerospace Center (DLR), Institute of Aeroelasticity
90 The Effect of Aspect Ratio Variation on the Preliminary Aeroelastic Assessment of a Mid-Range Transport Aircraft
106 Design and Experimental Characterization of a Gust-Generator Concept with Rotating-Slotted Cylinders in the Low-Speed Wind Tunnel DNW-NWB
107 Wind Tunnel Testing Active Gust Load Alleviation of a Flexible Wing
Andrea Da Ronch
University of Southampton
168 Model order reduction for nonlinear aeroelastic dynamical system using automatic differentiation
Carlo Rotundo
Delft University of Technology
174 Aeroelastic tailoring of dual-role propellers
Serena Russo
231 Wind tunnel tests for gust load investigation in transonic flows – Part 1 : Development of an innovative test rig
Francesco Saltari
Sapienza University of Rome
194 Multidisciplinary design optimisation of an aircraft with the semi-aeroelastic hinge device
161 Nonlinear aeroelastic analysis of a regional airliner wing via a neural-network based reduced order model for aerodynamics
Divya Sanghi
University of Michigan
35 Evaluation of Aeroelastic Models for Gust Response Prediction in Very Flexible Wings
Emilio Santos
Airbus Defence and Space
170 Aeroelastic challenges in the clean aviation hybrid-electric regional aircraft project
Roberto Sbarra
Università of Rome “La Sapienza”
65 Experimental investigation of a highly flexible wing
Thomas G. Schmidt
German Aerospace Center (DLR), Institute of Aeroelasticity
106 Design and Experimental Characterization of a Gust-Generator Concept with Rotating-Slotted Cylinders in the Low-Speed Wind Tunnel DNW-NWB
107 Wind Tunnel Testing Active Gust Load Alleviation of a Flexible Wing
Thomas Schmidt
121 Design, manufacturing and identification of an active controlled flexible wing for subsonic wind tunnel testing
202 Experimental investigation of shock control bumbs on the transonic dip of the OAT15A airfoil
Jean-Sébastien Schotté
150 Influence of aerodynamic modeling on the whirl flutter stability of a propeller under axial and non-axial flow conditions
Simon Schulz
DLR - German Aerospace Center
109 Decentralized Control of Ailerons for Gust Load Alleviation
Matthias Schulze
DLR – Institute of Aeroelasticity, Bunsenstrasse 10, 37073 Goettingen, Germany
90 The Effect of Aspect Ratio Variation on the Preliminary Aeroelastic Assessment of a Mid-Range Transport Aircraft
7 Assessment of aeroelastic stability of high aspect wing aircraft during the preliminary design
Jan Schwochow
119 Flutter flight testing: Using operational modal analysis to identify, track and predict flutter for safe and efficient flight test campaigns
Andrea Sciacchitano
Delft University of Technology
101 Integrated Aerodynamic and Structural Measurements of the Gust Response of a Hinged Folding Wingtip
Carlos Sebastia Saez
Chair of Aircraft Design, Technical University of Munich
24 Experimental and numerical assessment on the aeroelastic behavior of a NLF airfoil with oscillating control surfaces
10 Wing shape control on the D150 model with aspect ratio tradeoffs for fuel efficiency improvement
Thomas Seren
Technical University of Munich
116 Lessons Learned from Flight Testing Active Flutter Suppression Technologies
Alan Serena
Airbus De
170 Aeroelastic challenges in the clean aviation hybrid-electric regional aircraft project
Yali Shao
Beihang University
83 Reduced order modeling analysis for flexible wing using a co-rotational beam element
Tanuj Sharma
School of Civil, Aerospace and Design Engineering, University of Bristol
208 Experimental investigation into the dynamic characteristics of a tilting multirotor system
Bilal Sharqi
University of Michigan
79 Finite element model update of a very flexible wing using ground vibration testing data
Junlin Shen
240 Aeroelastic characteristics of plane-symmetry vehicle main wing trailing edge rudder at high angle of attack
Pengtao Shi
210 Body freedom flutter of scaled vehicles: From blended wing body to conventional configuration
SangJoon Shin
Seoul National University
135 Machine learning-based parametric model order reduction for the gust load analysis
Roberto da Silva
Aeronautics Institute of Technology - ITA
70 Application of Shape Memory Alloys for Flutter Suppression in a Propeller-Driven Typical Section
Felipe da Silva
70 Application of Shape Memory Alloys for Flutter Suppression in a Propeller-Driven Typical Section
Roberto Silva
Instituto Tecnológico de Aeronáutica (ITA)
226 Comparison between computational and experimental non-stationary pressure distribution on a pitch-oscilating wing
Gefferson Silva
Technische Universität Berlin
59 Aeroelastic analysis of a smart SMA-composite wing
195 On the preparation of a flexible real-time aircraft model for a flight simulator
Flávio J. Silvestre
58 Wind tunnel testing and modal validation of TU-Flex's high aspect-ratio wings
Flavio Silvestre
Technische Universität Berlin
59 Aeroelastic analysis of a smart SMA-composite wing
195 On the preparation of a flexible real-time aircraft model for a flight simulator
Flávio José Silvestre
Technische Universität Berlin
42 Aeroservoelastic Analysis and Load Alleviation Control for Very Flexible Aircraft: TU-Flex Study
98 Influence of nonlinear aerodynamic effects on high aspect ratio aircraft model
Flávio Silvestre
149 Constrained flexible wing with folding wingtip dynamics model based on Lagrange's method
Magan Singh
Indian Institute of Science
176 Transonic shock oscillations in an oscillating finite span wing
Kautuk Sinha
142 Nonlinear dynamic response of a pazy wing variant using Koiter-Newton model reduction
Tomas Sinnige
Delft University of Technology
174 Aeroelastic tailoring of dual-role propellers
Julian Sinske
DLR-Institute of Aeroelasticity
113 Reliable monitoring of modal parameters during a flight vibration test using autonomous modal analysis and a Kalman filter
Federica Siotto
Airbus UK
26 Preliminary investigation of the superelastic monostable spoiler for dynamic gust loads alleviation
Jayant Sirohi
The University of Texas at Austin
185 Experimental Validation of Strain-Load Neural Network Model on a Slender Hypersonic Vehicle
172 Measurement of Natural Frequency and Damping of a Slender Model in Mach 5 Flow
Miroslav Smid
Czech Aerospace Research Centre (VZLU)
56 New Design of Whirl Flutter Aeroelastic Demonstrator
Hollis Smith
Air Force Research Laboratory
138 A Panel-Free Aeroelastic Solver with Adjoint Sensitivities
Keith Soal
113 Reliable monitoring of modal parameters during a flight vibration test using autonomous modal analysis and a Kalman filter
116 Lessons Learned from Flight Testing Active Flutter Suppression Technologies
103 Aeroservoelastic models for design, testing, flight test clearance and validation of active flutter suppression control laws
119 Flutter flight testing: Using operational modal analysis to identify, track and predict flutter for safe and efficient flight test campaigns
190 Contribution of the ground vibration tests for the preparation of flutter suppression flight test campaigns: Case of the flipased P-Flex UAV
215 Improvement of Helicopter Fuselage Modelling - Effects of subcomponents on the overall dynamic behavior
128 Post-flight system identification and aeroservoelastic model updating for prediction and validation of the onset of flutter
Breno Soares da Costa Vieira
Instituto Tecnológico de Aeronáutica
132 Surrogate Modeling of Highly Flexible Structures and Aerodynamics Using Neural Networks
Jurij Sodja
Delft University of Technology
133 Unified model of sandwich panel core and faces for aeroelastic optimization
101 Integrated Aerodynamic and Structural Measurements of the Gust Response of a Hinged Folding Wingtip
114 An Incremental Modal Shape Sensing Method for Geometrically Non-Linear Deformed Wings
57 Continuous parametrisation of wing movable layout for design optimisation
183 Nonlinear analysis of combined rate and acceleration limits effect on actuator performance
207 Application of aeroelastic tailoring for control surface reversal
174 Aeroelastic tailoring of dual-role propellers
Chen Song
Beihang University
93 Gust response analysis of supersonic aircraft based on three-dimensional piston theory
Leonardo Soria
Politecnico di Bari
199 Application of the unsteady compressible source and doublet panel method to flutter calculations
Aleli Sosa Chavez
Siemens Digital Industry Software NV
225 Experimental And Numerical Activities For Aeroelastic Analysis Of An Aluminum Wing
Abraão Ferreira de Sousa Neto
Instituto Tecnológico de Aeronáutica
222 Identification of Flexible Aircraft Parameters with Varying Flexibility Configurations: Integrating Elastic Effects and Sensor Data
Cleber Spode
186 Nonlinear analysis of a flexible half-wing model tested in a subsonic wind tunnel with control-surface freeplay and preloading
Felix Stalla
German Aerospace Center (DLR), Institute of System Dynamics and Control
121 Design, manufacturing and identification of an active controlled flexible wing for subsonic wind tunnel testing
107 Wind Tunnel Testing Active Gust Load Alleviation of a Flexible Wing
Bret Stanford
69 Gradient-based Optimization of the Common Research Model Wing Subject to CFD-based Gust and Flutter Constraints
20 Transonic limit cycle oscillations of the benchmark supercritical wing
Jan Starek
Czech Aerospace Research Centre (VZLU)
56 New Design of Whirl Flutter Aeroelastic Demonstrator
Nichoas Stathopoulos
73 Testing and Analysis of a Simplified Nonlinear Horizontal Stabilator of an Aircraft
Gerrit Sybe Stavorinus
Technische Universität Berlin
98 Influence of nonlinear aerodynamic effects on high aspect ratio aircraft model
Gerrit Stavorinus
42 Aeroservoelastic Analysis and Load Alleviation Control for Very Flexible Aircraft: TU-Flex Study
149 Constrained flexible wing with folding wingtip dynamics model based on Lagrange's method
58 Wind tunnel testing and modal validation of TU-Flex's high aspect-ratio wings
Cyrille Stephan
160 Design and experimental tests of a flexible wing of high-aspect ratio for investigating flutter mechanisms
190 Contribution of the ground vibration tests for the preparation of flutter suppression flight test campaigns: Case of the flipased P-Flex UAV
Bernd Stickan
Airbus Operations GmbH
50 Influence of blade elasticity and thrust on the whirl flutter stability of a propeller-driven aircraft
123 Analysis of Linearized Motion- and Gust-Induced Airloads with a Next-Generation Computational Fluid Dynamics Solver
Kilian Streitenberger
Institute of Aeroelasticity - German Aerospace Center (DLR)
214 Investigation of vortex-induced vibrations to compare Reynolds-averaged Navier-Stokes and detached-eddy simulations
Till Strothteicher
191 Automated Tuning of a Baseline Flight Control System with Maneuver Load Alleviation for an Energy-Efficient Passenger Airplane
Vitalii Sukhov
National Technical University of Ukraine “Igor Sikorsky Kyiv Polytechnic Institute”
235 Mathematical method for prediction aeroelastic phenomena and multidisciplinary optimization lifting surfaces of flight vehicle at preliminary stage design
Afzal Suleman
University of Victoria
237 Topology Optimization of Aeroelastically Scaled Wing Models based on Additive Manufacturing
Zhan Sun
84 Aerothermoelasticity analysis of hypersonic vehicle based on meshfree method
Xiaoyang Sun
Airbus UK
26 Preliminary investigation of the superelastic monostable spoiler for dynamic gust loads alleviation
Özge Süelözgen
Research Scientist, DLR (German Aerospace Center)
116 Lessons Learned from Flight Testing Active Flutter Suppression Technologies
103 Aeroservoelastic models for design, testing, flight test clearance and validation of active flutter suppression control laws
119 Flutter flight testing: Using operational modal analysis to identify, track and predict flutter for safe and efficient flight test campaigns
128 Post-flight system identification and aeroservoelastic model updating for prediction and validation of the onset of flutter
Martin TANG
119 Flutter flight testing: Using operational modal analysis to identify, track and predict flutter for safe and efficient flight test campaigns
Bela Takarics
103 Aeroservoelastic models for design, testing, flight test clearance and validation of active flutter suppression control laws
Béla Takarics
HUN-REN Institute for Computer Science and Control
10 Wing shape control on the D150 model with aspect ratio tradeoffs for fuel efficiency improvement
196 Co-Design of the Aeroelastic Wing Parameters and the Flutter Control Law
99 Flexible aircraft conceptual co-design based on the RCE framework
Jun Kang Tan
108 Wind tunnel experiment for body freedom flutter of flying wing unmanned aerial vehicle
Martin Tang
German Aerospace Center (DLR), Institute of Aeroelasticity
77 A Procedure for Flutter Analysis with Nonlinear Experimental Modal Parameters
190 Contribution of the ground vibration tests for the preparation of flutter suppression flight test campaigns: Case of the flipased P-Flex UAV
107 Wind Tunnel Testing Active Gust Load Alleviation of a Flexible Wing
Ali Tatar
Istanbul Technical University
129 Aeroelastic analysis of distributed electric propulsion flexible wings
80 Aeroelastic optimisation of a cantilevered plate with local damping application
Chien Ming, Jonathan Tay
108 Wind tunnel experiment for body freedom flutter of flying wing unmanned aerial vehicle
Robert Taylor
University of Texas Arlington
13 Aeroelastic Wind Tunnel Testing of 3D-Printed Semispan Wings
Daniel Teubl
TU Munich
116 Lessons Learned from Flight Testing Active Flutter Suppression Technologies
119 Flutter flight testing: Using operational modal analysis to identify, track and predict flutter for safe and efficient flight test campaigns
190 Contribution of the ground vibration tests for the preparation of flutter suppression flight test campaigns: Case of the flipased P-Flex UAV
Andrew Thelen
NASA Langley Research Center
69 Gradient-based Optimization of the Common Research Model Wing Subject to CFD-based Gust and Flutter Constraints
Frank Thielecke
Hamburg University of Technology
46 Doublet lattice modelling and analysis of unsteady aerodynamic effects for a flexible unmanned aircraft during maneuvers and gust encounters
Carsten Thiem
119 Flutter flight testing: Using operational modal analysis to identify, track and predict flutter for safe and efficient flight test campaigns
Reik Thormann
Airbus Operations
30 Machine learning to forecast unsteady, motion-induced unsteady forces
Fabrice Thouverez
150 Influence of aerodynamic modeling on the whirl flutter stability of a propeller under axial and non-axial flow conditions
Xinhai Tian
210 Body freedom flutter of scaled vehicles: From blended wing body to conventional configuration
Branislav Titurus
School of Civil, Aerospace and Design Engineering, University of Bristol
166 Analysis of inertial gust load relief characteristics of high aspect ratio wings
208 Experimental investigation into the dynamic characteristics of a tilting multirotor system
Francesco Toffol
Politecnico di Milano
167 Passive and active load alleviation technologies for UHARW wings
MIguel Torralba
Airbus Defence and Space
171 Feedforward backpropagation artificial neural networks applied to dynamic loads of a military transport aircraft
Szabolcs Toth
116 Lessons Learned from Flight Testing Active Flutter Suppression Technologies
119 Flutter flight testing: Using operational modal analysis to identify, track and predict flutter for safe and efficient flight test campaigns
190 Contribution of the ground vibration tests for the preparation of flutter suppression flight test campaigns: Case of the flipased P-Flex UAV
Natsuki Tsushima
Japan Aerospace Exploration Agency
85 Elastic wind tunnel model design via eigenvector-based level-set topology optimization
200 Shape Identification of a wing model by additive manufacturing for transonic tunnel testing
Hoang Thien Phu VO
88 Aircraft vibration from React to Predict
Bálint Vanek
196 Co-Design of the Aeroelastic Wing Parameters and the Flutter Control Law
99 Flexible aircraft conceptual co-design based on the RCE framework
128 Post-flight system identification and aeroservoelastic model updating for prediction and validation of the onset of flutter
Balint Vanek
116 Lessons Learned from Flight Testing Active Flutter Suppression Technologies
103 Aeroservoelastic models for design, testing, flight test clearance and validation of active flutter suppression control laws
119 Flutter flight testing: Using operational modal analysis to identify, track and predict flutter for safe and efficient flight test campaigns
190 Contribution of the ground vibration tests for the preparation of flutter suppression flight test campaigns: Case of the flipased P-Flex UAV
Santosh Varigonda
North Carolina State University
81 Limit Cycle Oscillation of a Plate with Piezoelectric Elements in Supersonic Flow
Srikanth Vasudevan
Delft University of Technology
164 Mechanism of transonic aeroelastic instabilities via synchronization of coupled oscillators
Kartik Venkatraman
Indian Institute of Science
176 Transonic shock oscillations in an oscillating finite span wing
175 Prediction of transonic buffet in an axial flow fan using global stability analysis
Fabio Vetrano
Airbus Operations SAS
194 Multidisciplinary design optimisation of an aircraft with the semi-aeroelastic hinge device
Silvia Vettori
Siemens Digital Industry Software NV
225 Experimental And Numerical Activities For Aeroelastic Analysis Of An Aluminum Wing
Ondrej Vich
Czech Aerospace Research Centre (VZLU)
56 New Design of Whirl Flutter Aeroelastic Demonstrator
Cyrille Vidy
Airbus Defence & Space GmbH
47 From Multivariate Random Loads To Deterministic Load Distributions: An Exact Method For Aeroelastic Design
44 Robust design through identification of main components from multivariate random loads
Coen de Visser
Delft University of Technology
198 Flexible aircraft flight dynamics and loads model identification from flight test data in unsteady conditions
Alessandra Vizzaccaro
33 Aeroelastic hybrid testing for industrial applications
Jarmil Vlach
Czech Aerospace Research Centre (VZLU)
56 New Design of Whirl Flutter Aeroelastic Demonstrator
Robin Volkmar
113 Reliable monitoring of modal parameters during a flight vibration test using autonomous modal analysis and a Kalman filter
119 Flutter flight testing: Using operational modal analysis to identify, track and predict flutter for safe and efficient flight test campaigns
190 Contribution of the ground vibration tests for the preparation of flutter suppression flight test campaigns: Case of the flipased P-Flex UAV
Arne Voß
1 Gust Encounter of a Supersonic Fighter Aircraft using CFD Methods
58 Wind tunnel testing and modal validation of TU-Flex's high aspect-ratio wings
Pierre Vuillemin
DTIS, ONERA, Universite de Toulouse, 31000, Toulouse, France
227 Wind Tunnel Tests for Gust Load Investigation in transonic flows – Part 2: Experimental results and control demonstration
Christian Wallace
DLR (German Aerospace Center)
163 Lidar-based gust load alleviation – increasing the load reduction potential through a two-degree-of-freedom controller architecture
Zhiqiang Wan
87 An integrated static/dynamic aerothermoelastic analysis framework for functionally graded structures in hypersonic vehicles
84 Aerothermoelasticity analysis of hypersonic vehicle based on meshfree method
63 A CFD/CTD/CSD based aero-thermo-elastic framework for full-vehicle scale analysis
64 Aeroelastic optimization of commercial aircraft considering high-precision aerodynamic performance
Gaozhan Wang
Beihang University
92 Hypersonic flutter analysis based on three-dimensional local piston theory
Wei Wang
156 Measurement and Control System Design for Propeller-Wing System Experiments
Xuerui Wang
Delft University of Technology
181 Nonlinear Incremental Robust Model Predictive Control for a Nonlinear Aeroservoelastic System
183 Nonlinear analysis of combined rate and acceleration limits effect on actuator performance
164 Mechanism of transonic aeroelastic instabilities via synchronization of coupled oscillators
Xiaozhe Wang
87 An integrated static/dynamic aerothermoelastic analysis framework for functionally graded structures in hypersonic vehicles
84 Aerothermoelasticity analysis of hypersonic vehicle based on meshfree method
63 A CFD/CTD/CSD based aero-thermo-elastic framework for full-vehicle scale analysis
64 Aeroelastic optimization of commercial aircraft considering high-precision aerodynamic performance
Peihan Wang
Beihang University
45 Dynamic analysis of nonlinear aeroservoelasticity by a modified frequency-time domain method
Guido Weber
Liebherr-Aerospace Lindenberg
109 Decentralized Control of Ailerons for Gust Load Alleviation
Zsombor Wermeser
196 Co-Design of the Aeroelastic Wing Parameters and the Flutter Control Law
Michelle Westin
159 Wind tunnel flutter test results comparison with computational results of a half-span wing
Viresh Wickramasinghe
73 Testing and Analysis of a Simplified Nonlinear Horizontal Stabilator of an Aircraft
Hannes Wilke
Technische Universität Berlin
195 On the preparation of a flexible real-time aircraft model for a flight simulator
Thomas Wilson
Airbus Operations Ltd.
96 Parametric nonlinear flutter analysis of the semi-aeroelastic hinges during manoeuvres and gust encounters
137 Nonlinear Gust Effects On Flexible Aircraft With Flared Hinged Wings
Kristoffer Wingstedt
218 Adaptive Euler - efficient and predictive aerodynamics: validation and prototype development toward aeroelasticity
Benjamin King Sutton Woods
University of Bristol
166 Analysis of inertial gust load relief characteristics of high aspect ratio wings
Zhigang Wu
Beihang University
102 Modeling of shaker-structure coupling system and its application in ground aeroelastic stability test
45 Dynamic analysis of nonlinear aeroservoelasticity by a modified frequency-time domain method
Matthias Wuestenhagen
DLR - Institute of System Dynamics and Control
99 Flexible aircraft conceptual co-design based on the RCE framework
Matthias Wüstenhagen
103 Aeroservoelastic models for design, testing, flight test clearance and validation of active flutter suppression control laws
128 Post-flight system identification and aeroservoelastic model updating for prediction and validation of the onset of flutter
Wei Xiao
102 Modeling of shaker-structure coupling system and its application in ground aeroelastic stability test
Changchuan Xie
93 Gust response analysis of supersonic aircraft based on three-dimensional piston theory
92 Hypersonic flutter analysis based on three-dimensional local piston theory
94 IMU-based deformation reconstruction for highly flexible wings
83 Reduced order modeling analysis for flexible wing using a co-rotational beam element
41 Aerodynamic analysis of aircraft wings using a coupled PM-BL approach
27 Nonlinear aeroelastic analysis of large wind turbine blades
11 Wind tunnel test of gust response for distributed propeller-wing system
156 Measurement and Control System Design for Propeller-Wing System Experiments
Italo Ximenes
Aeronautics Institute of Technology - ITA
70 Application of Shape Memory Alloys for Flutter Suppression in a Propeller-Driven Typical Section
Pu Xing
240 Aeroelastic characteristics of plane-symmetry vehicle main wing trailing edge rudder at high angle of attack
Zhichun Yang
210 Body freedom flutter of scaled vehicles: From blended wing body to conventional configuration
Chao Yang
102 Modeling of shaker-structure coupling system and its application in ground aeroelastic stability test
32 Stall flutter suppression with active camber morphing based on reinforcement learning
87 An integrated static/dynamic aerothermoelastic analysis framework for functionally graded structures in hypersonic vehicles
45 Dynamic analysis of nonlinear aeroservoelasticity by a modified frequency-time domain method
156 Measurement and Control System Design for Propeller-Wing System Experiments
64 Aeroelastic optimization of commercial aircraft considering high-precision aerodynamic performance
Zhuolin Ying
38 Deep Reinforcement Learning for Aeroservoelastic Control of Unmanned Multi-Body Aircraft with Geometric Nonlinearities
37 Nonlinear Aeroelastic Response Analysis of Unmanned Multi-body Aircraft with Free Play
39 Nonlinear Aeroelasticity Characteristics and Dynamics Response Analysis of Unmanned Multi-Body Aircraft
Tomohiro Yokozeki
85 Elastic wind tunnel model design via eigenvector-based level-set topology optimization
Fanglin Yu
Technical University of Munich
10 Wing shape control on the D150 model with aspect ratio tradeoffs for fuel efficiency improvement
116 Lessons Learned from Flight Testing Active Flutter Suppression Technologies
99 Flexible aircraft conceptual co-design based on the RCE framework
Changkun Yu
102 Modeling of shaker-structure coupling system and its application in ground aeroelastic stability test
Jie Yu
136 The Design and Analysis of Tensegrity Morphing Wing
Kaihua Yuan
Institute of Beijing Mechanics and Electronics
5 The simulation and flight verification of active aeroelastic control
Ni Zao
68 Efficient and high-precision nonlinear static aeroelastic load analysis method based on vortex lattice method acceleration
Yuhui Zhang
94 IMU-based deformation reconstruction for highly flexible wings
83 Reduced order modeling analysis for flexible wing using a co-rotational beam element
Zhitao Zhang
11 Wind tunnel test of gust response for distributed propeller-wing system
156 Measurement and Control System Design for Propeller-Wing System Experiments
Jian Zhang
39 Nonlinear Aeroelasticity Characteristics and Dynamics Response Analysis of Unmanned Multi-Body Aircraft
Tingyu Zhang
181 Nonlinear Incremental Robust Model Predictive Control for a Nonlinear Aeroservoelastic System
Duoyao Zhang
83 Reduced order modeling analysis for flexible wing using a co-rotational beam element
Zou Zhicheng
68 Efficient and high-precision nonlinear static aeroelastic load analysis method based on vortex lattice method acceleration
Chen Zhu
38 Deep Reinforcement Learning for Aeroservoelastic Control of Unmanned Multi-Body Aircraft with Geometric Nonlinearities
37 Nonlinear Aeroelastic Response Analysis of Unmanned Multi-body Aircraft with Free Play
39 Nonlinear Aeroelasticity Characteristics and Dynamics Response Analysis of Unmanned Multi-Body Aircraft
Zijian Zhu
38 Deep Reinforcement Learning for Aeroservoelastic Control of Unmanned Multi-Body Aircraft with Geometric Nonlinearities
37 Nonlinear Aeroelastic Response Analysis of Unmanned Multi-body Aircraft with Free Play
39 Nonlinear Aeroelasticity Characteristics and Dynamics Response Analysis of Unmanned Multi-Body Aircraft
Lipeng Zhu
41 Aerodynamic analysis of aircraft wings using a coupled PM-BL approach
Markus Zimmer
German Aerospace Center (DLR)
90 The Effect of Aspect Ratio Variation on the Preliminary Aeroelastic Assessment of a Mid-Range Transport Aircraft

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