Aeroelasticity & Structural Dynamics in a Fast Changing World
17 – 21 June 2024, The Hague, The Netherlands
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Author Manuscripts
University of Washington Bothell, USA
232 Prediction of Limit Cycle Oscillations Based on Dynamic Eigen Decomposition of Flight Test Data
Christoph Kaiser
DLR, Institute of Aeroelasticity
112 A general solver for the prediction of flutter and buffet onset
54 Effect of Turbulent Wedges on the Steady and Unsteady Aerodynamics of a Forward Swept Laminar Wing
123 Analysis of Linearized Motion- and Gust-Induced Airloads with a Next-Generation Computational Fluid Dynamics Solver
Seung-Hoon Kang
Seoul National University
135 Machine learning-based parametric model order reduction for the gust load analysis
Mordechay Karpel
Karpel Dynamic Consulting Ltd.
170 Aeroelastic challenges in the clean aviation hybrid-electric regional aircraft project
Marlus Kerninski
159 Wind tunnel flutter test results comparison with computational results of a half-span wing
Thiemo M. Kier
German Aerospace Center (DLR), Institute of System Dynamics and Control
107 Wind Tunnel Testing Active Gust Load Alleviation of a Flexible Wing
Thiemo Kier
116 Lessons Learned from Flight Testing Active Flutter Suppression Technologies
103 Aeroservoelastic models for design, testing, flight test clearance and validation of active flutter suppression control laws
119 Flutter flight testing: Using operational modal analysis to identify, track and predict flutter for safe and efficient flight test campaigns
141 Assessment of Active Load Control Approaches for Transport Aircraft – Simulation and Wind Tunnel Test
190 Contribution of the ground vibration tests for the preparation of flutter suppression flight test campaigns: Case of the flipased P-Flex UAV
99 Flexible aircraft conceptual co-design based on the RCE framework
128 Post-flight system identification and aeroservoelastic model updating for prediction and validation of the onset of flutter
Spyridon Kilimtzidis
University of Patras
199 Application of the unsteady compressible source and doublet panel method to flutter calculations
Thomas Klimmek
German Aerospace Center (DLR)
90 The Effect of Aspect Ratio Variation on the Preliminary Aeroelastic Assessment of a Mid-Range Transport Aircraft
Johannes Knebusch
DLR - German Aerospace Center
215 Improvement of Helicopter Fuselage Modelling - Effects of subcomponents on the overall dynamic behavior
Christopher Koch
German Aerospace Center (DLR), Institute of Aeroelasticity
50 Influence of blade elasticity and thrust on the whirl flutter stability of a propeller-driven aircraft
18 Whirl flutter analysis using linearized propeller transfer matrices
Martin Kolar
Czech Aerospace Research Centre (VZLU)
56 New Design of Whirl Flutter Aeroelastic Demonstrator
Raymond Kolonay
United States Air Force Research Laboratory
12 Including Gradient-based Transient Gust Optimization in ASTROS
Ramesh Konatala
103 Aeroservoelastic models for design, testing, flight test clearance and validation of active flutter suppression control laws
128 Post-flight system identification and aeroservoelastic model updating for prediction and validation of the onset of flutter
Vassilis Kostopoulos
University of Patras
199 Application of the unsteady compressible source and doublet panel method to flutter calculations
Wolf R. Krueger
DLR Institute of Aeroelasticity
7 Assessment of aeroelastic stability of high aspect wing aircraft during the preliminary design
141 Assessment of Active Load Control Approaches for Transport Aircraft – Simulation and Wind Tunnel Test
Eduardo Krupa
159 Wind tunnel flutter test results comparison with computational results of a half-span wing
Wolf R. Krüger
German Aerospace Center (DLR) - Institute of Aeroelasticity
121 Design, manufacturing and identification of an active controlled flexible wing for subsonic wind tunnel testing
58 Wind tunnel testing and modal validation of TU-Flex's high aspect-ratio wings
106 Design and Experimental Characterization of a Gust-Generator Concept with Rotating-Slotted Cylinders in the Low-Speed Wind Tunnel DNW-NWB
Wolf Krüger
142 Nonlinear dynamic response of a pazy wing variant using Koiter-Newton model reduction

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