Aeroelasticity & Structural Dynamics in a Fast Changing World
17 – 21 June 2024, The Hague, The Netherlands
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Author Manuscripts
8 Wind Law Proposal for Aircraft Control in Turbulence
Davide Balatti
33 Aeroelastic hybrid testing for industrial applications
Roger Ballester Claret
17 Aeroelastic reliability based optimisation of composite plates via surrogate modeling
ignacio Ballesteros Ruiz
Airbus UK
26 Preliminary investigation of the superelastic monostable spoiler for dynamic gust loads alleviation
Daniel Balogh
116 Lessons Learned from Flight Testing Active Flutter Suppression Technologies
103 Aeroservoelastic models for design, testing, flight test clearance and validation of active flutter suppression control laws
Guilherme C. Barbosa
58 Wind tunnel testing and modal validation of TU-Flex's high aspect-ratio wings
Milán Barczi
SZTAKI, Budapest, Kende u. 13-17, 1111, Hungary
10 Wing shape control on the D150 model with aspect ratio tradeoffs for fuel efficiency improvement
Arnaud Barnique
Cedrat Technologies
231 Wind tunnel tests for gust load investigation in transonic flows – Part 1 : Development of an innovative test rig
Leonardo Barros da Luz
Instituto Tecnológico de Aeronáutica
118 Rayleigh-Ritz method with multibody dynamics for highly flexible structures
Julius Bartasevicius
TU Munich
116 Lessons Learned from Flight Testing Active Flutter Suppression Technologies
103 Aeroservoelastic models for design, testing, flight test clearance and validation of active flutter suppression control laws
119 Flutter flight testing: Using operational modal analysis to identify, track and predict flutter for safe and efficient flight test campaigns
190 Contribution of the ground vibration tests for the preparation of flutter suppression flight test campaigns: Case of the flipased P-Flex UAV
Martin Bauer
German Aerospace Center DLR, Institute of Aerodynamics and Flow Technology, Lilienthalplatz 7, 38108, Braunschweig Germany
205 High-Fidelity Multidisciplinary Maneuver Simulations of the Falcon 2000LX ISTAR
Antônio Bernardo Guimarães Neto
Instituto Tecnológico de Aeronáutica
132 Surrogate Modeling of Highly Flexible Structures and Aerodynamics Using Neural Networks
Ying Bi
38 Deep Reinforcement Learning for Aeroservoelastic Control of Unmanned Multi-Body Aircraft with Geometric Nonlinearities
37 Nonlinear Aeroelastic Response Analysis of Unmanned Multi-body Aircraft with Free Play
39 Nonlinear Aeroelasticity Characteristics and Dynamics Response Analysis of Unmanned Multi-Body Aircraft
Anna Biancotto
Royal Netherlands Aerospace Centre
101 Integrated Aerodynamic and Structural Measurements of the Gust Response of a Hinged Folding Wingtip
Laurent Blanc
150 Influence of aerodynamic modeling on the whirl flutter stability of a propeller under axial and non-axial flow conditions
Hans Bleecke
Airbus Operations
50 Influence of blade elasticity and thrust on the whirl flutter stability of a propeller-driven aircraft
Hans Martin Bleecke
Airbus Operations
30 Machine learning to forecast unsteady, motion-induced unsteady forces
Brianna Blocher
The University of Texas at Austin
185 Experimental Validation of Strain-Load Neural Network Model on a Slender Hypersonic Vehicle
Christophe Blondeau
162 Towards modular aeroelastic simulations : recent developments and applications at ONERA
34 A modular TSM solver for aeroelastic analysis and optimizations
Bernd Boche
Technische Universität Berlin
195 On the preparation of a flexible real-time aircraft model for a flight simulator
Stefan de Boer
TU Delft
57 Continuous parametrisation of wing movable layout for design optimisation
Vitor Borges Santos
Instituto Tecnológico de Aeronáutica
132 Surrogate Modeling of Highly Flexible Structures and Aerodynamics Using Neural Networks
Vincent Bouillaut
DAAA, ONERA, Institut Polytechnique de Paris, 92320 Chatillon, France
157 Aeroelastic design of a drone for research on active flutter control
227 Wind Tunnel Tests for Gust Load Investigation in transonic flows – Part 2: Experimental results and control demonstration
Carsten Braun
FH Aachen University of Applied Sciences
89 The Effect of Aerodynamic Interactions on Aeroelastic Stability in Wing-Propeller Systems
Marc Braune
German Aerospace Center (DLR) - Institute of Aeroelasticity
200 Shape Identification of a wing model by additive manufacturing for transonic tunnel testing
202 Experimental investigation of shock control bumbs on the transonic dip of the OAT15A airfoil
106 Design and Experimental Characterization of a Gust-Generator Concept with Rotating-Slotted Cylinders in the Low-Speed Wind Tunnel DNW-NWB
Roeland De Breuker
Delft University of Technology
142 Nonlinear dynamic response of a pazy wing variant using Koiter-Newton model reduction
57 Continuous parametrisation of wing movable layout for design optimisation
207 Application of aeroelastic tailoring for control surface reversal
164 Mechanism of transonic aeroelastic instabilities via synchronization of coupled oscillators
Roeland de Breuker
Delft University of Technology
198 Flexible aircraft flight dynamics and loads model identification from flight test data in unsteady conditions
Elsa Bréus
Dassault Aviation
165 T-tail transonic flutter wind tunnel test part 1: Sealing system design and model testing
104 Flutter prediction correlations with wind tunnel measurements on a T-tail flutter mock-up
Gabriel Buendia
Airbus Defence
171 Feedforward backpropagation artificial neural networks applied to dynamic loads of a military transport aircraft
Thomas Buete
German Aerospace Center
200 Shape Identification of a wing model by additive manufacturing for transonic tunnel testing
Heiko Böhlken
202 Experimental investigation of shock control bumbs on the transonic dip of the OAT15A airfoil
Nils Böhnisch
FH Aachen University of Applied Sciences
89 The Effect of Aerodynamic Interactions on Aeroelastic Stability in Wing-Propeller Systems
Marc Böswald
DLR - German Aerospace Center
113 Reliable monitoring of modal parameters during a flight vibration test using autonomous modal analysis and a Kalman filter
114 An Incremental Modal Shape Sensing Method for Geometrically Non-Linear Deformed Wings
77 A Procedure for Flutter Analysis with Nonlinear Experimental Modal Parameters
119 Flutter flight testing: Using operational modal analysis to identify, track and predict flutter for safe and efficient flight test campaigns
215 Improvement of Helicopter Fuselage Modelling - Effects of subcomponents on the overall dynamic behavior
Thomas Büte
202 Experimental investigation of shock control bumbs on the transonic dip of the OAT15A airfoil

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