Improvement of Helicopter Fuselage Modelling - Effects of subcomponents on the overall dynamic behavior![]() Presentation: Session: Rotary aeroelasticity 1 Room: Room 1.6 Session start: 13:30 Tue 18 Jun 2024 Johannes Knebusch Affifliation: DLR - German Aerospace Center Keith Soal Affifliation: DLR - German Aerospace Center Tobias Meier Affifliation: DLR - German Aerospace Center David Meier Affifliation: DLR - German Aerospace Center Muhittin-Nami Altug Affifliation: Airbus Helicopters Renata Nepumoceno-Merce Affifliation: Airbus Helicopters Oliver Dieterich Affifliation: Airbus Helicopters Marc Böswald Affifliation: DLR - German Aerospace Center Topics: - Computational Aeroelasticity (High and low fidelity (un)coupled analysis methods:), - Rotorcraft Aeroelasticity (High and low fidelity (un)coupled analysis methods:), - Experimental Methods in Structural Dynamics and Aeroelasticity (Experimental methods), - Ground Vibration Testing of Aircraft (Experimental methods) Abstract: Update: Approval by Airbus Helicopters is now granted and the extended abstract is uploaded. Like all aircraft, helicopters are designed to be as light as possible for the sake of low operational cost and minimum environmental footprint. Besides this lightweight construction, strong oscillatory forces are introduced into the airframe of a helicopter due to rotor blade control. After significant improvement of aeromechanical modelling of helicopter rotors in the past decade, the loads can be simulated with reasonable accuracy. However, the predictive capability of helicopter vibration using the fuselage simulation models is limited. The complexity of the structure poses challenges to both experimental and numerical modal analysis. In order to calculate the propagation of vibrations from the main rotor hub to different locations of interest already in the design phase an improvement of the simulation models is necessary. A shake test on a fully assembled helicopter is a too complex validation experiment for the targeted improvement of the simulation models. In order to address this inherent limitation, an extensive measurement campaign was conducted in a helicopter production line. The vibration test team of the DLR- Institute of Aeroelasticity cooperated with vibration specialists from Industry to plan and conduct ten modal tests on one successively built helicopter at different assembly stations. The modal tests took place during ongoing production operations. In conjunction Finite-Element models which represent the structural condition at each of the 10 production stations were created. The Finite-Element models of the respective helicopter components and subassemblies are used in this study to gain a better understanding of the influence of subcomponents on the overall dynamic behavior. In an experiment, a specific component can either be installed or not. Depending on stiffness and inertia properties of the components, the changes in dynamic behavior can be considerable and changes in mode shapes and eigenfrequencies are hard to track. In numerical simulation, however, a smooth “blending in” of components is possible enabling the tracking of changes of modal parameters when installing specific components to a helicopter subassembly. This new approach to finite element model updating is presented here. In this, stiffness and mass values are gradually increased (from 0% to 100% of the nominal value) for entire components that get mounted at the respective assembly station and a modal analysis is performed after each alteration. The alterations and their influence on eigenfrequency and mode shapes are tracked over the different stations. This approach seems promising for the use on Helicopters (and complex structures in general) and could also be used for the development of new prototypes. |