Aeroelasticity & Structural Dynamics in a Fast Changing World
17 – 21 June 2024, The Hague, The Netherlands
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Author Manuscripts
67 Analysis of the impact of forced pitching oscillations in transonic flow on the transition onset and the aeroelastic behaviour of an airfoil
Yang Lan
68 Efficient and high-precision nonlinear static aeroelastic load analysis method based on vortex lattice method acceleration
Valentin Lanari
165 T-tail transonic flutter wind tunnel test part 1: Sealing system design and model testing
155 T-tail transonic flutter wind tunnel test. Part 2: Numerical restitution
Vito Laraspata
Politecnico di Bari
199 Application of the unsteady compressible source and doublet panel method to flutter calculations
Fernando Lau
Instituto Superior Tecnico
237 Topology Optimization of Aeroelastically Scaled Wing Models based on Additive Manufacturing
Nicolò Laureti
Sapienza University of Rome
161 Nonlinear aeroelastic analysis of a regional airliner wing via a neural-network based reduced order model for aerodynamics
Alessandro Laurini
Siemens Digital Industry Software NV
225 Experimental And Numerical Activities For Aeroelastic Analysis Of An Aluminum Wing
SiHun Lee
Samsung Electronics Company
135 Machine learning-based parametric model order reduction for the gust load analysis
Sangmin Lee
Seoul National University
135 Machine learning-based parametric model order reduction for the gust load analysis
Bernardo Leite
Instituto Superior Tecnico
237 Topology Optimization of Aeroelastically Scaled Wing Models based on Additive Manufacturing
Jieli, Daryl Leo
108 Wind tunnel experiment for body freedom flutter of flying wing unmanned aerial vehicle
Arnaud Lepage
DAAA, ONERA, Institut Polytechnique de Paris, 92320 Chatillon, France
165 T-tail transonic flutter wind tunnel test part 1: Sealing system design and model testing
157 Aeroelastic design of a drone for research on active flutter control
231 Wind tunnel tests for gust load investigation in transonic flows – Part 1 : Development of an innovative test rig
227 Wind Tunnel Tests for Gust Load Investigation in transonic flows – Part 2: Experimental results and control demonstration
Cate Leszcz
University of Colorado, Boulder
2 Modal Design Optimization for Panel Flutter and Buckling
Gongde Li
240 Aeroelastic characteristics of plane-symmetry vehicle main wing trailing edge rudder at high angle of attack
Jinying Li
32 Stall flutter suppression with active camber morphing based on reinforcement learning
Guo Li
Chinese Academy of Aerospace Aerodynamics
240 Aeroelastic characteristics of plane-symmetry vehicle main wing trailing edge rudder at high angle of attack
Keyu Li
63 A CFD/CTD/CSD based aero-thermo-elastic framework for full-vehicle scale analysis
64 Aeroelastic optimization of commercial aircraft considering high-precision aerodynamic performance
Zhuoneng Li
University of Southampton
61 Investigation of multibody flight dynamic modes of an aircraft with flexible folding wing tips
Chang Li
87 An integrated static/dynamic aerothermoelastic analysis framework for functionally graded structures in hypersonic vehicles
84 Aerothermoelasticity analysis of hypersonic vehicle based on meshfree method
63 A CFD/CTD/CSD based aero-thermo-elastic framework for full-vehicle scale analysis
64 Aeroelastic optimization of commercial aircraft considering high-precision aerodynamic performance
Cédric Liauzun
162 Towards modular aeroelastic simulations : recent developments and applications at ONERA
Cedric Liauzun
34 A modular TSM solver for aeroelastic analysis and optimizations
Manoela Lima
159 Wind tunnel flutter test results comparison with computational results of a half-span wing
Zhu Lipeng
68 Efficient and high-precision nonlinear static aeroelastic load analysis method based on vortex lattice method acceleration
Chenyu Liu
Beihang University
93 Gust response analysis of supersonic aircraft based on three-dimensional piston theory
92 Hypersonic flutter analysis based on three-dimensional local piston theory
Yi Liu
Institute of Beijing Mechanics and Electronics
5 The simulation and flight verification of active aeroelastic control
Dawei Liu
11 Wind tunnel test of gust response for distributed propeller-wing system
Gertjan Looye
109 Decentralized Control of Ailerons for Gust Load Alleviation
107 Wind Tunnel Testing Active Gust Load Alleviation of a Flexible Wing
128 Post-flight system identification and aeroservoelastic model updating for prediction and validation of the onset of flutter
Mark Lowenberg
University of Bristol
166 Analysis of inertial gust load relief characteristics of high aspect ratio wings
Raul Lozano Vargas
Airbus UK
26 Preliminary investigation of the superelastic monostable spoiler for dynamic gust loads alleviation
Pascal Lubrina
190 Contribution of the ground vibration tests for the preparation of flutter suppression flight test campaigns: Case of the flipased P-Flex UAV
Didier Lucor
17 Aeroelastic reliability based optimisation of composite plates via surrogate modeling
Christopher Lupp
U.S. Air Force Research Laboratory
9 Aeroelastic Mission Optimization of Very Flexible Vehicles including Take-Off and Climb Constraints
Wellington Luziano Paulo Junior
186 Nonlinear analysis of a flexible half-wing model tested in a subsonic wind tunnel with control-surface freeplay and preloading

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