Aeroelasticity & Structural Dynamics in a Fast Changing World
17 – 21 June 2024, The Hague, The Netherlands
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Author Manuscripts
Pedro Paglione
Instituto Tecnológico de Aeronáutica
118 Rayleigh-Ritz method with multibody dynamics for highly flexible structures
Rafael Palacios
Imperial College London
29 Modelling complex actuator and sensor architectures for gust alleviation systems of flexible aircraft
28 Effect of gust models on the response prediction of a very flexible wind tunnel wing model
82 Differentiable Aeroelastic Framework Suitable for Industrial Modelling of Nonlinear Loads on Accelerators
137 Nonlinear Gust Effects On Flexible Aircraft With Flared Hinged Wings
Nicola Paletta
Airbus Defence and Space
231 Wind tunnel tests for gust load investigation in transonic flows – Part 1 : Development of an innovative test rig
Asa Palmer
University of Dayton Research Institute
13 Aeroelastic Wind Tunnel Testing of 3D-Printed Semispan Wings
Aditya Panigrahi
The University of Texas at Austin
185 Experimental Validation of Strain-Load Neural Network Model on a Slender Hypersonic Vehicle
Alexander Pankonien
Air Force Research Lab
13 Aeroelastic Wind Tunnel Testing of 3D-Printed Semispan Wings
Younggeun Park
Seoul National University
135 Machine learning-based parametric model order reduction for the gust load analysis
Bálint Patarics
HUN-REN Institute for Computer Science and Control
99 Flexible aircraft conceptual co-design based on the RCE framework
Mario Peinado Garcia
Sapienza University of Rome - Department of Mechanical and Aerospace Engineering
194 Multidisciplinary design optimisation of an aircraft with the semi-aeroelastic hinge device
Alex Pereira do Prado
Embraer S. A.
31 Influence of Load Introduction Method on Wingbox Optimization with Nonlinear Structural Stability Constraints
Amanda Perroni
159 Wind tunnel flutter test results comparison with computational results of a half-span wing
Luisa Piccolo Serafim
Duke University
81 Limit Cycle Oscillation of a Plate with Piezoelectric Elements in Supersonic Flow
16 Exploring the Effect of Different Shock Impingement Angles on Aeroelastic Response for a Thin Panel
Alberto Pirrera
University of Bristol
31 Influence of Load Introduction Method on Wingbox Optimization with Nonlinear Structural Stability Constraints
Dale Pitt
The Boeing Company - Retired
6 Flutter and Gust Response of a Wing with Aerodynamic Gaps
Marco Pizzoli
Sapienza University of Rome
161 Nonlinear aeroelastic analysis of a regional airliner wing via a neural-network based reduced order model for aerodynamics
Antoine Placzek
162 Towards modular aeroelastic simulations : recent developments and applications at ONERA
150 Influence of aerodynamic modeling on the whirl flutter stability of a propeller under axial and non-axial flow conditions
Charles Poussot-Vassal
DTIS, ONERA, Universite de Toulouse, 31000, Toulouse, France
227 Wind Tunnel Tests for Gust Load Investigation in transonic flows – Part 2: Experimental results and control demonstration
Beatriz Pulido
Airbus Defence and
171 Feedforward backpropagation artificial neural networks applied to dynamic loads of a military transport aircraft
Luca Pustina
Sapienza University of Rome
161 Nonlinear aeroelastic analysis of a regional airliner wing via a neural-network based reduced order model for aerodynamics

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