Aeroelasticity & Structural Dynamics in a Fast Changing World
17 – 21 June 2024, The Hague, The Netherlands
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Author Manuscripts
Kevin Jacobson
69 Gradient-based Optimization of the Common Research Model Wing Subject to CFD-based Gust and Flutter Constraints
20 Transonic limit cycle oscillations of the benchmark supercritical wing
Kijoo Jang
Samsung Electronics Company
135 Machine learning-based parametric model order reduction for the gust load analysis
Karl Janssens
Siemens Digital Industry Software NV
225 Experimental And Numerical Activities For Aeroelastic Analysis Of An Aluminum Wing
Johan Jansson
218 Adaptive Euler - efficient and predictive aerodynamics: validation and prototype development toward aeroelasticity
Sanuja Jayatilake
University of Bristol
166 Analysis of inertial gust load relief characteristics of high aspect ratio wings
Ivo Jebáček
Brno University of Technology - FME - Institute of Aerospace Engineering
133 Unified model of sandwich panel core and faces for aeroelastic optimization
Chen Ji
179 Experimental study on transonic buffeting of launch vehicles with large-diameter fairing using elastic models
240 Aeroelastic characteristics of plane-symmetry vehicle main wing trailing edge rudder at high angle of attack
Shakir Jiffri
33 Aeroelastic hybrid testing for industrial applications
Yi Jin
Guangdong BODA Electronic Technology Co., Ltd
5 The simulation and flight verification of active aeroelastic control
Zdenek Johan
104 Flutter prediction correlations with wind tunnel measurements on a T-tail flutter mock-up
Völker Johannes
88 Aircraft vibration from React to Predict
Nicholas Jones
PCKrause & Associates
13 Aeroelastic Wind Tunnel Testing of 3D-Printed Semispan Wings
Cédric Julien
17 Aeroelastic reliability based optimisation of composite plates via surrogate modeling
Andres Jurisson
Netherlands Aerospace Centre
198 Flexible aircraft flight dynamics and loads model identification from flight test data in unsteady conditions

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