Aeroelasticity & Structural Dynamics in a Fast Changing World
17 – 21 June 2024, The Hague, The Netherlands
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Day 1: Tuesday 18 June 2024

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Room 1.1 Room 1.2 Room 1.4/1.5 Room 1.3 Room 1.6
08:20   Opening IFASD 2024
Chair: Roeland De Breuker
08:30   On the shoulders of giants - Dr. Héctor Climent
Chair: Moti Karpel
09:30   Short Break
09:40   Aeroelastic optimisation 1
Chair: Andrea Da Ronch
30 mins
System-search Topology Optimization of Aeroelastically Scaled Wing Models based on Additive Manufacturing
Afzal Suleman, Frederico Afonso, Fernando Lau, Bernardo Leite, Vasco Coelho
30 mins
System-search Aeroelastic optimisation of a cantilevered plate with local damping application
Ali Tatar, Stephane Fournier, Jonathan Cooper
09:40   Distributed propulsion 1
Chair: Alessandro Scotti
30 mins
System-search Wind tunnel test of gust response for distributed propeller-wing system
Kunhui Huang, Zhitao Zhang, Dawei Liu, Changchuan Xie
30 mins
System-search The Effect of Aerodynamic Interactions on Aeroelastic Stability in Wing-Propeller Systems
Nils Böhnisch, Carsten Braun, Vincenzo Muscarello, Pier Marzocca
09:40   Aeroelastic workflows
30 mins
System-search Nonlinear aeroelastic modeling workflow using Simcenter Nastran
Emre Ongut, Maria Francesca Illiano
30 mins
System-search Towards modular aeroelastic simulations : recent developments and applications at ONERA
Antoine Placzek, Antoine Riols-Fonclare, Alain Dugeai, Cédric Liauzun, Christophe Blondeau, Pierre-Emmanuel Des Boscs, Charly Mollet
09:40   Flow induced vibrations
Chair: Luca Benassi
30 mins
System-search Flow-induced vibration of a pitch-plunge aeroelastic system subjected to external vortical disturbances
Chandan Bose, Grigorios Dimitriadis
30 mins
System-search Investigation of vortex-induced vibrations to compare Reynolds-averaged Navier-Stokes and detached-eddy simulations
Kilian Streitenberger, Jens Nitzsche
09:40   Aeroservoelasticity 1
Chair: Rafael Palacios
30 mins
System-search Wind Law Proposal for Aircraft Control in Turbulence
30 mins
System-search Passive and active load alleviation technologies for UHARW wings
Francesco Toffol
10:40   Break
11:00   Aeroelastic optimisation 2
Chair: Andrea Da Ronch
30 mins
System-search Including Gradient-based Transient Gust Optimization in ASTROS
Joshua Deslich, Doug Neill, Kevin McHugh, Raymond Kolonay
30 mins
System-search Gradient-based Optimization of the Common Research Model Wing Subject to CFD-based Gust and Flutter Constraints
Andrew Thelen, Kevin Jacobson, Bret Stanford
30 mins
System-search Maneuver and gust loads alleviation using simultaneous layout and size optimization
Hammad Rahman
11:00   Aeroelastic testing 1
Chair: Alessandro Scotti
30 mins
System-search Wind tunnel testing and modal validation of TU-Flex's high aspect-ratio wings
Pedro J. González, Guilherme C. Barbosa, Álvaro A. G. Quesada, Gerrit Stavorinus, Flávio J. Silvestre, Jonathan Hilger, Charlotte Hanke, Arne Voß, Wolf R. Krüger
30 mins
System-search Finite element model update of a very flexible wing using ground vibration testing data
Bilal Sharqi, Carlos E. S. Cesnik
30 mins
System-search Experimental investigation into the dynamic characteristics of a tilting multirotor system
Tanuj Sharma, Djamel Rezgui, Branislav Titurus
11:00   Data driven methods 1
30 mins
System-search IMU-based deformation reconstruction for highly flexible wings
Yuhui Zhang, Changchuan Xie, Yang Meng
30 mins
System-search System Identification and Control Techniques Applied to Nonlinear Aeroservoelastic Models
Marcus V. G. Muniz, Adriano Argiolas, João L. F. Azevedo
30 mins
System-search Identification of Flexible Aircraft Parameters with Varying Flexibility Configurations: Integrating Elastic Effects and Sensor Data
Abraão Ferreira de Sousa Neto, Kaique Silveira Viana Costa, Flávio Luiz Cardoso-Ribeiro
11:00   Shocks
Chair: Luca Benassi
30 mins
System-search Exploring the Effect of Different Shock Impingement Angles on Aeroelastic Response for a Thin Panel
Luisa Piccolo Serafim, Earl Dowell
30 mins
System-search Transonic shock oscillations in an oscillating finite span wing
Magan Singh, Kartik Venkatraman
30 mins
System-search Experimental investigation of shock control bumbs on the transonic dip of the OAT15A airfoil
Anna Altkuckatz, Marc Braune, Johannes Dillinger, Martin Müller, Thomas Büte, Charlotte Hanke, Holger Ernst, Heiko Böhlken, Patrick Hartl, Thomas Schmidt, Holger Mai
11:00   Adaptive structures 1
Chair: Rauno Cavallaro
30 mins
System-search The Design and Analysis of Tensegrity Morphing Wing
Jie Yu, Song Chen, Zhang Haibo
30 mins
System-search Application of Shape Memory Alloys for Flutter Suppression in a Propeller-Driven Typical Section
Italo Ximenes, Felipe da Silva, Roberto da Silva, Mauricio Donadon
30 mins
System-search Aeroelastic modeling of flapping wings for designing bio-inspired unmanned aerial vehicles
Douglas Bueno, Rodrigo Borges Santos, Camila Gonsalez-Bueno
12:30   Optional plenary lunch session in room 1.1: Aeroelastic Prediction Workshop
12:30   Lunch
13:30   Wind tunnel testing 1
Chair: Anders Karlsson
30 mins
System-search Assessment of Active Load Control Approaches for Transport Aircraft – Simulation and Wind Tunnel Test
Wolf R. Krueger, Holger Mai, Thiemo Kier, Lars Reimer
30 mins
System-search Design, manufacturing and identification of an active controlled flexible wing for subsonic wind tunnel testing
Johannes Dillinger, Holger Mai, Wolf R. Krüger, Thomas Schmidt, Felix Stalla
30 mins
System-search Design and Experimental Characterization of a Gust-Generator Concept with Rotating-Slotted Cylinders in the Low-Speed Wind Tunnel DNW-NWB
Thomas G. Schmidt, Johannes Dillinger, Markus Ritter, Anna Altkuckatz, Charlotte Hanke, Marc Braune, Holger Mai, Wolf R. Krüger
30 mins
System-search Wind Tunnel Testing Active Gust Load Alleviation of a Flexible Wing
Felix Stalla, Thiemo M. Kier, Gertjan Looye, Kolja Michel, Thomas G. Schmidt, Charlotte Hanke, Johannes Dillinger, Markus Ritter, Martin Tang
13:30   Aeroelastic testing 2
Chair: Bret Stanford
30 mins
System-search Flexible aircraft flight dynamics and loads model identification from flight test data in unsteady conditions
Andres Jurisson, Bart Eussen, Coen de Visser, Roeland de Breuker
30 mins
System-search Aeroelastic hybrid testing for industrial applications
Davide Balatti, Hamed Haddad Khodaparast, Shakir Jiffri, Michael Friswell, Sebastiano Fichera, Alessandra Vizzaccaro, Andrea Castrichini
30 mins
System-search Elastic wind tunnel model design via eigenvector-based level-set topology optimization
Eisuke Nakagawa, Tomohiro Yokozeki, Natsuki Tsushima
30 mins
System-search Shape Identification of a wing model by additive manufacturing for transonic tunnel testing
Natsuki Tsushima, Holger Mai, Marc Braune, Thomas Buete
13:30   Nonlinear aeroelasticity
Chair: Julian Seeley
30 mins
System-search Nonlinear Aeroelastic Response Analysis of Unmanned Multi-body Aircraft with Free Play
Chen Zhu, Ying Bi, Zijian Zhu, Zhuolin Ying, Xiaoping Ma
30 mins
System-search An Incremental Modal Shape Sensing Method for Geometrically Non-Linear Deformed Wings
Janto Gundlach, Marc Böswald, Jurij Sodja
30 mins
System-search Nonlinear analysis of a flexible half-wing model tested in a subsonic wind tunnel with control-surface freeplay and preloading
Breno Moura Castro, Wellington Luziano Paulo Junior, Douglas Domingues Bueno, Cleber Spode
30 mins
System-search Nonlinear dynamic response of a pazy wing variant using Koiter-Newton model reduction
Kautuk Sinha, Farbod Alijani, Wolf Krüger, Roeland De Breuker
13:30   Data-driven methods 2
Chair: alexis laporte
30 mins
System-search Stall flutter suppression with active camber morphing based on reinforcement learning
Jinying Li, Yuting Dai, Chao Yang
30 mins
System-search A Procedure for Flutter Analysis with Nonlinear Experimental Modal Parameters
Martin Tang, Marc Böswald
30 mins
System-search Post-flight system identification and aeroservoelastic model updating for prediction and validation of the onset of flutter
Özge Süelözgen, Gertjan Looye, Thiemo Kier, Matthias Wüstenhagen, Ramesh Konatala, Keith Soal, Nicolas Guérin, Bálint Vanek
30 mins
System-search Experimental study on transonic buffeting of launch vehicles with large-diameter fairing using elastic models
Chen Ji
13:30   Rotary aeroelasticity 1
Chair: Jurij Sodja
30 mins
System-search Whirl flutter analysis using linearized propeller transfer matrices
Christopher Koch
30 mins
System-search Influence of blade elasticity and thrust on the whirl flutter stability of a propeller-driven aircraft
Julia Noël, Christopher Koch, Bernd Stickan, Hans Bleecke, Jürgen Arnold
30 mins
System-search Research shake test on an Airbus helicopter technology demonstrator
Julian Sinske, Marc Böswald, Martin Tang, Keith Soal, Johannes Knebusch, Carsten Thiem, Ralf Buchbach, Muhittin Altug, Oliver Dieterich
30 mins
System-search Improvement of Helicopter Fuselage Modelling - Effects of subcomponents on the overall dynamic behavior
Johannes Knebusch, Keith Soal, Tobias Meier, David Meier, Muhittin-Nami Altug, Renata Nepumoceno-Merce, Oliver Dieterich, Marc Böswald
15:30   Break
16:00   Wind tunnel testing 2
Chair: Anders Karlsson
30 mins
System-search Aeroelastic Wind Tunnel Testing of 3D-Printed Semispan Wings
Alexander Pankonien, Nicholas Jones, Asa Palmer, Joshua Deslich, Kevin McHugh, Robert Taylor
30 mins
System-search Analysis of the impact of forced pitching oscillations in transonic flow on the transition onset and the aeroelastic behaviour of an airfoil
30 mins
System-search Integrated Aerodynamic and Structural Measurements of the Gust Response of a Hinged Folding Wingtip
Christoph Mertens, Anna Biancotto, Jurij Sodja, Andrea Sciacchitano
16:00   Aeroelastic design 1
Chair: Bart Eussen
30 mins
System-search From Multivariate Random Loads To Deterministic Load Distributions: An Exact Method For Aeroelastic Design
Carlo Aquilini, Gabriele Grasso, Cyrille Vidy
30 mins
System-search The Effect of Aspect Ratio Variation on the Preliminary Aeroelastic Assessment of a Mid-Range Transport Aircraft
Matthias Schulze, Florian Müller, Sunpeth Cumnuantip, Vega Handojo, Tobias Hecken, Thomas Klimmek, Markus Ritter, Markus Zimmer
30 mins
System-search Flexible aircraft conceptual co-design based on the RCE framework
Béla Takarics, Bálint Patarics, Bálint Vanek, Fanglin Yu, Yasser M. Meddaikar, Matthias Wuestenhagen, Thiemo Kier
30 mins
System-search Wing mounted hydrogen fuel tanks: mitigating the aeroelastic penalties of dry wing configurations?
Fintan Healy, Huaiyuan Gu, Djamel Rezgui, Jonathan Cooper
16:00   Transonic aeroelasticity
Chair: Julian Seeley
30 mins
System-search Transonic limit cycle oscillations of the benchmark supercritical wing
Bret Stanford, Pawel Chwalowski, Kevin Jacobson
30 mins
System-search Mechanism of transonic aeroelastic instabilities via synchronization of coupled oscillators
Srikanth Vasudevan, Xuerui Wang, Roeland De Breuker
30 mins
System-search Transonic aeroelastic limit cycles and their dependence on freestream conditions
Nicholas Giannelis
30 mins
System-search High-Fidelity Multidisciplinary Maneuver Simulations of the Falcon 2000LX ISTAR
Martin Bauer, Johan Feldwisch
16:00   Flutter 1
Chair: alexis laporte
30 mins
System-search A general solver for the prediction of flutter and buffet onset
David Quero, Christoph Kaiser, Jens Nitzsche
30 mins
System-search Body freedom flutter of scaled vehicles: From blended wing body to conventional configuration
Yingsong Gu, Pengtao Shi, Xinhai Tian, Zhichun Yang
30 mins
System-search Unsteady RANS-based Computational Aeroelastic Simulations of X-56A Flutter for the Third Aeroelastic Prediction Workshop
Iren Ani Mkhoyan, Peter Blom, Jos Aalbers, Huub Timmermans
30 mins
System-search Application of the unsteady compressible source and doublet panel method to flutter calculations
Grigorios Dimitriadis, Spyridon Kilimtzidis, Vassilis Kostopoulos, Vito Laraspata, Leonardo Soria
16:00   Rotary aeroelasticity 2
Chair: Jurij Sodja
30 mins
System-search Nonlinear aeroelastic analysis of large wind turbine blades
Yang Meng, Changchuan Xie
30 mins
System-search A Strongly Coupled Frequency Domain FSI Solver for Turbomachinery Blade Vibration Analysis
Johann Gross, Christian Berthold, Christian Frey, Malte Krack
30 mins
System-search Prediction of transonic buffet in an axial flow fan using global stability analysis
Jyoti Majhi, Kartik Venkatraman
18:00   Poster session & drinks

21 presentations, click to view all