Aeroelasticity & Structural Dynamics in a Fast Changing World
17 – 21 June 2024, The Hague, The Netherlands
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Body freedom flutter of scaled vehicles: From blended wing body to conventional configuration

Go-down ifasd2024 Tracking Number 210

Session: Flutter 1
Room: Room 1.3
Session start: 16:00 Tue 18 Jun 2024

Yingsong Gu
Affifliation: NPU

Pengtao Shi
Affifliation: NPU

Xinhai Tian

Zhichun Yang

Topics: - Flight Flutter Testing of Aircraft (Experimental methods)


In this presentation, the state of the art of BFF study in the last decade is briefly reviewed at first, with an emphasis on the development of flight test vehicles. Next, as an effort of the authors during recent years, the development and BFF investigation of scaled vehicles is introduced. The design, build and test campaigns are detailed, first for a blended wing body (BWB) vehicle, and then for a conventional configuration. Theoretical and experimental correlation study is conducted for the aeroelastic stability of both vehicles. Finally, it is concluded with the pros and cons of the present work.