Aeroelasticity & Structural Dynamics in a Fast Changing World
17 – 21 June 2024, The Hague, The Netherlands
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Transonic limit cycle oscillations of the benchmark supercritical wing

Go-down ifasd2024 Tracking Number 20

Session: Transonic aeroelasticity
Room: Room 1.4/1.5
Session start: 16:00 Tue 18 Jun 2024

Bret Stanford
Affifliation: NASA LaRC

Pawel Chwalowski
Affifliation: NASA LaRC

Kevin Jacobson
Affifliation: NASA LaRC

Topics: - Computational Aeroelasticity (High and low fidelity (un)coupled analysis methods:)


This paper considers transonic flutter mechanisms of the Benchmark Supercritical Wing, a model under study in the Aeroelastic Prediction Workshop series. Flutter boundaries are mapped out across an angle-of-attack sweep at Mach 0.8, utilizing both time-domain and linearized frequency-domain solvers, manual meshes and adapted meshes, and various governing equations. With increased angle-of-attack, linearized and finite amplitude flutter predictions exhibit differences above 3 deg. as the flow begins to separate; the latter predictions are found to be driven by subcritical limit cycle oscillations whose strength increases with angle-of-attack. Moderate perturbation values provide a stability boundary at 5 deg. that matches the experimental data, but it is not clear how the experimental perturbation, from one test condition to the next, can be reasonably characterized.