09:40   Very flexible aircraft 1
Chair: Andrea Castrichini
Aeroelastic Mission Optimization of Very Flexible Vehicles including Take-Off and Climb Constraints
Christopher Lupp
Abstract: An increase in high aspect-ratio aircraft designs in recent years has led to more flexible vehicles. Increased flexibility may, however, result in nonlinear aeroelastic behavior which must be captured during the design stage. Time-domain simulations, in particular, must be used to assess a flexible vehicle's stability across a mission. However, in the context of gradient-based vehicle and trajectory optimization, considering time-domain analyses for nonlinear aeroelastic systems has remained elusive due to the complexity of determining sensitivities of a time-marched solution. This paper develops a time-domain solution capability which uses a collocation method including gradient information for optimization problems. The aeroelastic time-domain solution is used to formulate take-off, climb, and landing constraints. The constraint formulations are demonstrated on a multi-disciplinary design optimization problem of a blended wing body. Finally, a fully transient formulation for the nonlinear aeroelastic system is presented and the ramification discussed.
Aeroservoelastic Analysis and Load Alleviation Control for Very Flexible Aircraft: TU-Flex Study
Guilherme Chaves Barbosa, Álvaro Antonio García Quesada, Pedro José González, Gerrit Stavorinus, Flávio José Silvestre
Abstract: This paper performs an aeroservoelastic analysis and load alleviation control design for very flexible aircraft. This research aims to address the challenges posed by the increasing flexibility of modern aircraft and develop control systems to alleviate loads on the aircraft. The study takes into account the dynamic interaction between the actuator and time-delay dynamics and the elastic modes of the aircraft in order to improve the controller performance and stability. Utilizing a control law design procedure based on a unified formulation of the flexible aircraft, the study achieved significant attenuation of both structural loads and rigid-body motions. This finding indicates the potential for enhanced flight handling qualities and improved system stability.

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