Aeroelasticity & Structural Dynamics in a Fast Changing World
17 – 21 June 2024, The Hague, The Netherlands

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Day 2: Wednesday 19 June 2024

[ Tue Jun 18] [ Wed Jun 19] [ Thu Jun 20] [compact]

Room 1.1 Room 1.2 Room 1.4/1.5 Room 1.3 Room 1.6
08:30   Advances in Aeroelastic Prediction and Design Optimization for Next-Generation Aerospace Vehicles - Dr. Cristina Riso
Chair: Xuerui Wang
09:30   Short Break
09:40   Very flexible aircraft 1
Chair: Andrea Castrichini
30 mins
Aeroelastic Mission Optimization of Very Flexible Vehicles including Take-Off and Climb Constraints
Christopher Lupp
30 mins
Aeroservoelastic Analysis and Load Alleviation Control for Very Flexible Aircraft: TU-Flex Study
Guilherme Chaves Barbosa, Álvaro Antonio García Quesada, Pedro José González, Gerrit Stavorinus, Flávio José Silvestre
09:40   Aeroelastic design 2
Chair: Thomas Wilson
30 mins
Assessment of aeroelastic stability of high aspect wing aircraft during the preliminary design
Sunpeth Cumnuantip, Matthias Schulze, Wolf R. Krueger
30 mins
On the aeroelasticity of high aspect ratio strut-braced wings: A parametric study
Hamad Almarzooqi, Rafic Ajaj, Wesley Cantwell
09:40   Gust 1
Chair: Wolf Krüger
30 mins
Active flutter suppression and gust load alleviation of wings incorporating floating wingtips
William Mansey, Fintan Healy, Huaiyuan Gu, Djamel Rezgui, Jonathan Cooper
30 mins
Nonlinear Gust Effects On Flexible Aircraft With Flared Hinged Wings
Kelvin Chi-Wing Cheng, Alvaro Cea, Rafael Palacios, Andrea Castrichini, Thomas Wilson
09:40   High speed aeroelasticity 1
Chair: Moti Karpel
30 mins
Aerothermoelasticity analysis of hypersonic vehicle based on meshfree method
Zhan Sun, Zhiqiang Wan, Xiaozhe Wang, Liang Ma, Chang Li
30 mins
An integrated static/dynamic aerothermoelastic analysis framework for functionally graded structures in hypersonic vehicles
Chang Li, Zhiqiang Wan, Xiaozhe Wang, Chao Yang, Zhiying Chen
09:40   Flutter 2
Chair: Rauno Cavallaro
30 mins
Modal Design Optimization for Panel Flutter and Buckling
Kevin McHugh, Cate Leszcz, Joshua Deaton
30 mins
New Design of Whirl Flutter Aeroelastic Demonstrator
Jiri Cecrdle, Ondrej Vich, Jan Starek, Jarmil Vlach, Martin Kolar, Miroslav Smid
10:40   Break
11:00   Very flexible aircraft 2
Chair: Andrea Castrichini
30 mins
Flight-dynamics aeroelastic coupling in flexible and very flexible wings
Dor Naftaly, Daniella E. Raveh
30 mins
Linearized CFD-and CSM based flutter process for very flexible aircraft
Bernd Stickan, Reik Thormann, Michael Wrightson, Paolo Mastracci, Thomas Wilson
30 mins
Flight dynamic-aeroelastic response of highly flexible aircraft with distributed propellers
Alberto Gallego Pozo, Rauno Cavallaro
11:00   Propellor aeroelasticity
Chair: Thomas Wilson
30 mins
Influence of aerodynamic modeling on the whirl flutter stability of a propeller under axial and non-axial flow conditions
Vincent de Gaudemaris, Jean-Sébastien Schotté, Antoine Placzek, Laurent Blanc, Fabrice Thouverez
30 mins
Aeroelastic tailoring of dual-role propellers
Carlo Rotundo, Jurij Sodja, Tomas Sinnige
11:00   Gust 2
Chair: Wolf Krüger
30 mins
Gust Encounter of a Supersonic Fighter Aircraft using CFD Methods
Arne Voß
30 mins
Flutter and Gust Response of a Wing with Aerodynamic Gaps
Dale Pitt
30 mins
A numerical study of transonic buffet onset sensitivity to gust excitation
Nicholas Giannelis
11:00   High speed aeroelasticity 2
Chair: Xuerui Wang
30 mins
Measurement of Natural Frequency and Damping of a Slender Model in Mach 5 Flow
Benjamin Diaz Villa, Marc Eitner, Jayant Sirohi, Noel Clemens
30 mins
Experimental Validation of Strain-Load Neural Network Model on a Slender Hypersonic Vehicle
Ana Cristine Meinicke, Carlos Cesnik, Brianna Blocher, Aditya Panigrahi, Jayant Sirohi, Noel Clemens
30 mins
Hot-wall shock-wave boundary layer interaction of a compliant cantilever in hypersonic flow
Dylan Dooner, Nicholas Giannelis, Andrew Neely
11:00   Flutter 3
Chair: Rafael Palacios
30 mins
Aeroelastic design of a drone for research on active flutter control
Nicolò Fabbiane, Vincent Bouillaut, Arnaud Lepage
30 mins
Co-Design of the Aeroelastic Wing Parameters and the Flutter Control Law
Zsombor Wermeser, Béla Takarics, Bálint Vanek
30 mins
Unsteady RANS-based Computational Aeroelastic Simulations of X-56A Flutter for the Third Aeroelastic Prediction Workshop
Iren Ani Mkhoyan, Peter Blom, Jos Aalbers, Huub Timmermans
12:30   Lunch
13:30   Very flexible aircraft 3
Chair: Raymond kolonay
30 mins
Effect of gust models on the response prediction of a very flexible wind tunnel wing model
Stefanie Düssler, Christoph Mertens, Rafael Palacios
30 mins
Evaluation of Aeroelastic Models for Gust Response Prediction in Very Flexible Wings
Divya Sanghi, Cristina Riso, Carlos Cesnik
30 mins
Highly Flexible Aircraft Flight Dynamics using CFD
Alain Dugeai
30 mins
Aeroelastic challenges in the clean aviation hybrid-electric regional aircraft project
Emilio Santos, Alan Serena, Mordechay Karpel, Felix Arevalo, Hector Climent
13:30   Aeroelastic testing 3
Chair: Johannes Meijer
30 mins
The simulation and flight verification of active aeroelastic control
Yi Liu, Kaihua Yuan, Xiaolong Cao, Yi Jin, Yang Meng
30 mins
Wind tunnel flutter test results comparison with computational results of a half-span wing
Amanda Perroni, Breno Castro, Eduardo Krupa, Jens Neumann, Manoela Lima, Marlus Kerninski, Michelle Westin
30 mins
Investigation on Sensor Selection Applied on a Vehicle-as-a-Sensor Concept in High-Speed Flight
Ana C. Meinicke, Carlos E. S. Cesnik
30 mins
Reliable monitoring of modal parameters during a flight vibration test using autonomous modal analysis and a Kalman filter
Robin Volkmar, Julian Sinske, Keith Soal, Yves Govers, Marc Böswald
13:30   Gust 3
Chair: Jonathan Cooper
30 mins
Gust load alleviation efficiency in an optimized composite wing through the integration of wingtip devices: Incorporating folding and twist strategies
Touraj Farsadi, Majid Ahmadi, Hamed Haddad Khodaparast
30 mins
Modelling complex actuator and sensor architectures for gust alleviation systems of flexible aircraft
Stefanie Düssler, Thulasi Mylvaganam, Rafael Palacios
30 mins
Decentralized Control of Ailerons for Gust Load Alleviation
Kolja Michel, Simon Schulz, Gertjan Looye, Guido Weber
13:30   Low/high order methods 1
Chair: Daniella Raveh
30 mins
A modular TSM solver for aeroelastic analysis and optimizations
Cedric Liauzun, Christophe Blondeau
30 mins
Comparison between computational and experimental non-stationary pressure distribution on a pitch-oscilating wing
Bruno Regina, Eduardo Molina, Roberto Silva
30 mins
Aerodynamic analysis of aircraft wings using a coupled PM-BL approach
Lipeng Zhu, Changchuan Xie, Yang Meng
30 mins
Rayleigh-Ritz method with multibody dynamics for highly flexible structures
Leonardo Barros da Luz, Flávio Cardoso-Ribeiro, Pedro Paglione
13:30   Adaptive structures 2
Chair: Sergio Ricci
30 mins
Preliminary investigation of the superelastic monostable spoiler for dynamic gust loads alleviation
Andrea Castrichini, Federica Siotto, Xiaoyang Sun, Josh Coppin, Raul Lozano Vargas, ignacio Ballesteros Ruiz, Enzo Cosentino, Michael Hadjipantelis
30 mins
Investigation of multibody flight dynamic modes of an aircraft with flexible folding wing tips
Amir Hossein Modarres Aval, Vadim Maltsev, Zhuoneng Li, Declan Clifford, Andrea dr Da Ronch
30 mins
Parametric nonlinear flutter analysis of the semi-aeroelastic hinges during manoeuvres and gust encounters
Paolo Mastracci, Andrea Castrichini, Thomas Wilson
30 mins
Constrained flexible wing with folding wingtip dynamics model based on Lagrange's method
Lina Dehmlow, Pedro González, Gerrit Stavorinus, Flávio Silvestre
15:30   Break
16:00   Movables
Chair: Raymond kolonay
30 mins
Experimental and numerical assessment on the aeroelastic behavior of a NLF airfoil with oscillating control surfaces
Carlos Sebastia Saez, Mirko Hornung
30 mins
Control surface sizing and design through integrated MDO approach: Enhancing load alleviation while preserving handling quality criteria
Daniel Muradas Odriozola, Sylvie Marquier, Joseph Morlier, Christian Gogu
30 mins
Continuous parametrisation of wing movable layout for design optimisation
Stefan de Boer, Jurij Sodja, Roeland De Breuker
30 mins
Application of aeroelastic tailoring for control surface reversal
Evangelos Filippou, Jurij Sodja, Roeland De Breuker
16:00   Aeroelastic testing 4
Chair: Johannes Meijer
30 mins
T-tail transonic flutter wind tunnel test part 1: Sealing system design and model testing
Valentin Lanari, Arnaud Lepage, Elsa Bréus
30 mins
T-tail transonic flutter wind tunnel test. Part 2: Numerical restitution
Sylvie Dequand, Valentin Lanari
30 mins
Flutter prediction correlations with wind tunnel measurements on a T-tail flutter mock-up
Elsa Bréus, Nicolas Forestier, Zdenek Johan, Eric Garrigues
30 mins
Feedforward backpropagation artificial neural networks applied to dynamic loads of a military transport aircraft
Gabriel Buendia, Beatriz Pulido, MIguel Torralba, Manuel Reyes, Felix Arevalo, Hector Climent
16:00   Nonlinear optimisation
Chair: Jonathan Cooper
30 mins
Optimizing high aspect ratio composite wings through geometrically nonlinear aeroelastic tailoring
Touraj Farsadi, Majid Ahmadi, Hamed Haddad Khodaparast
30 mins
Influence of Load Introduction Method on Wingbox Optimization with Nonlinear Structural Stability Constraints
Francesco M. A. Mitrotta, Alberto Pirrera, Terence Macquart, Jonathan E. Cooper, Alex Pereira do Prado, Pedro Higino Cabral
30 mins
Multidisciplinary design optimisation of an aircraft with the semi-aeroelastic hinge device
Marta Colella, Mario Peinado Garcia, Francesco Saltari, Franco Mastroddi, Fabio Vetrano, Paolo Mastracci, Andrea Castrichini
16:00   High order methods
Chair: Daniella Raveh
30 mins
Effect of Turbulent Wedges on the Steady and Unsteady Aerodynamics of a Forward Swept Laminar Wing
Michael Fehrs, Christoph Kaiser
30 mins
Numerical Analysis of the Unsteady Wing-Tailplane Interaction in Two-Dimensional Flows
Kristopher Davies, Michael Fehrs
30 mins
A CFD/CTD/CSD based aero-thermo-elastic framework for full-vehicle scale analysis
Liang Ma, Zhiqiang Wan, Xiaozhe Wang, Keyu Li, Chang Li, Longfei He
30 mins
Adaptive Euler - efficient and predictive aerodynamics: validation and prototype development toward aeroelasticity
Johan Jansson, Kristoffer Wingstedt, Rebecca Durst
16:00   Adaptive structures 3
Chair: Sergio Ricci
30 mins
Ground resonance test and aeroelastic model validation of an innovative regional aircraft fitted with innovative wing tip (IWT) and adaptive morphing winglet (AMW)
Salvatore Nocerino, Natale Calvi, Biagio De Maio, Salvatore Di Cristofaro, Edoardo Orazi
30 mins
Aeroelastic analysis of a smart SMA-composite wing
Gefferson Silva, Flavio Silvestre, Mauricio Donadon
30 mins
Limit Cycle Oscillation of a Plate with Piezoelectric Elements in Supersonic Flow
Maxim Freydin, Luisa Piccolo Serafim, Earl Dowell, Santosh Varigonda, Venkateswaran Narayanaswamy
30 mins
Aeroelasticity of smart wing in supersonic flow
Reza Moosavi
18:00   Departure to Conference dinner