Aeroelasticity & Structural Dynamics in a Fast Changing World
17 – 21 June 2024, The Hague, The Netherlands
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Aeroservoelastic Analysis and Load Alleviation Control for Very Flexible Aircraft: TU-Flex Study

Go-down ifasd2024 Tracking Number 42

Session: Very flexible aircraft 1
Room: Room 1.1
Session start: 09:40 Wed 19 Jun 2024

Guilherme Chaves Barbosa
Affifliation: Technische Universität Berlin

Álvaro Antonio García Quesada
Affifliation: Technische Universität Berlin

Pedro José González
Affifliation: Technische Universität Berlin

Gerrit Stavorinus
Affifliation: Technische Universität Berlin

Flávio José Silvestre
Affifliation: Technische Universität Berlin

Topics: - Highly Flexible Aircraft Structures (High and low fidelity (un)coupled analysis methods:), - Aeroservoelasticity (Vehicle analysis/design using model-based and data driven models), - Active Control and Adaptive Structures (Vehicle analysis/design using model-based and data driven models)


This paper performs an aeroservoelastic analysis and load alleviation control design for very flexible aircraft. This research aims to address the challenges posed by the increasing flexibility of modern aircraft and develop control systems to alleviate loads on the aircraft. The study takes into account the dynamic interaction between the actuator and time-delay dynamics and the elastic modes of the aircraft in order to improve the controller performance and stability. Utilizing a control law design procedure based on a unified formulation of the flexible aircraft, the study achieved significant attenuation of both structural loads and rigid-body motions. This finding indicates the potential for enhanced flight handling qualities and improved system stability.